Essay On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Trench Warfare

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The first world war was defined by the heavy use of trench warfare, as the decorated soldier and writer Segfried Sassoon observed, “the war was mainly a matter of holes and ditches” (the great war, modern memory). Trench warfare was primarily utilized due for protection from opponent small arms fire and shelter from artillery, they kept soldiers on both sides safer and reduced casualties. Despite these benefits and many more, various primary and secondary sources can be used to question their efficacy. This essay will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of trench warfare, how these shaped the experience of a soldier fighting in the trenches, and how these experiences differed for soldiers in the Central Powers and the Triple Entente. …show more content…

Trench warfare is a style of battle in which opposing forces dig trenches across from each other and fight in close quarters. Trenches were dug in zig-zag patterns and crenellations to increase the protection against the opponent. Fighting in such conditions proved to be extremely brutal. Though a savage form of warfare, trenches were advantageous in comparison to traditional battlefield style war during this time. First, it offered many strategic benefits. With the advent of modern weaponry such as heavy artillery and machine guns, trench warfare became prominent on the western front out of necessity. Traditional tactics armies have used for centuries prior were now outdated and would prove to be a strategic disaster if implemented in WW1. Armies had such strong confidence for trenches that they were willing to stand guard every dawn and wait for opponent attacks which included heavy bombardments (46 the great way, modern memory). This brings into mind the second key advantage of trench warfare during WW1: safety. The acknowledges the fact that trenches reduced soldier causalities, and protected them against opponents’ modern arms, such as machine guns and heavy artillery. For example, a sentry could keep watch out on opponents during heavy bombardments and report their finding to better prepare for future, and possibly worse attacks. Trenches protected soldiers against these new warfare

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