Essay On Adbuster

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In the modern era, there are many things can be considered as a creative professional, including article writing, radio broadcast, deletion, filming music and arts…etc. In other words, each of the writers or artists uses different ways to express their points of view by using their creative professions. Among those different kinds of creative professionals, adbuster is one of the examples that they see themselves as a global network alliance including writers, artists, activists, students, educators, entrepreneurs and even pranksters who want to promote the new social activist movement of the information era through their exploration on the spiritual and culture lessons. The artists of adbuster usually take the existing advertising, to add their thoughts and believes to emphasize fairness standpoint, social criticize and satirize, complaint and protest, political stance and environment-friendly upon different perspectives. There are many different kinds of advertising existed, each of them is basically used to propagate the products in order to promote the consumption. Thus, the situation makes people be induced and became crazy for buying things, which gradually brings lots of finance and business problems that are not easily resolved.
In general, the ideas of culture jamming and remix culture are the main reasons that anti-advertising or subvertisement have been created. Therefore, Lee shows that capitalism makes the consumption become out of control, although the commercialized business model itself is also very creative in compare to the old days. Advertising culture is devastating and Lee tries to show the readers what mass media has been doing. According to the average thinking of consumerism in the United States, people bel...

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...ey want for socialize distraction or entertainment. It is simply a choice, there is no need to embrace everything technology throws at us. If we are unable to make our own informed choices regard the usage of technology, to control over our time, relationships and daily lives, we will loss ourselves and the technology will make the decision for us soon.

Works Cited

Lee, Melanie. "Killer Cola." Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters., 6 Apr. 2009. Web. 27 July 2014.
Yang, Lawrence. "Soft Drink, Softer Belly." Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters., 1 June 2009. Web. 27 July 2014.
Yan, Sophia. “Apple faces new China labor allegations.” Technology, CNN Money Hong Kong. 6 September, 2013. Web. 27 July 2014.
Kaiser, Tiffany. “Apple’s Chinese Suppliers in Trouble for Environmental Pollution.” Blogs Daily Tech. 5 August 2013. Web. 27 July 2014.

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