Essay On Abraham Lincoln Racial

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Many scholars today argue that Abraham Lincoln held discriminatory beliefs towards slaves during his political career. In order to understand whether Abraham Lincoln was a racist, we must first define racism and understand how it propelled during the Civil War, a time of chaos between the South and the North over slavery issues. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines racism as “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race” ( In fact, one could argue that the South held views of racial superiority over blacks. However, Lincoln did not assimilate such beliefs. He instead expressed strong support for the Emancipation Proclamation, advocated human rights to be equal with African Americans, and believed slavery was immoral and destructive.
The signing of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 led to public anger and mistrust especially for slave-owners in the South. The Emancipation Proclamation declared, “that all persons held as slaves” within the rebellious states “are, and henceforward shall be free” ( Lincoln intended to pave the way for African Americans freedom by abolishing slavery in the United States. Lincoln’s support to end slavery reflected the opposite of a racist individual; he believed that …show more content…

As we have discussed, Abraham Lincoln should not be perceive as a racist because he was a strong advocator for human rights which was witnessed through his signing of the Emancipation and orally addressing consideration for slaves. Evidence also supported his beliefs of slavery as immoral and destructive. If Lincoln would have not carried out these beliefs, how would the United States express peace and humanity rights worldwide

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