Jeg valgte etisk utfordring om abort, siden det er noe som har alltid blitt diskutert og veldig samfunnsrelatert. Abort er i dag et mye mer aktuelt tema enn før, på grunn av at vi har mye mer avansert teknologi, og økt kunnskap om dette temaet. Abort er en avbrytelse av svangerskapet, og vi skiller mellom to typer; spontanabort og fremprovosert abort. Spontanabort oppstår når kroppen frastøter fosteret, og på denne måten selv avbryter svangerskapet. Fremprovosert abort er når man avbryter svangerskapet ved hjelp av legemidler eller kirurgiske inngrep. Fremprovosert deles igjen i to typer, medisinsk og kirurgisk. Før uke 7 er det kun medisinsk abort som kan gjøres. Mens dersom inngrepet utføres mellom uke 7 og 9, kan kvinnen selv velge. Utføres inngrepet mellom uke 9 og 12 benyttes det kirurgisk abort. Abortspørsmålene har alltid vært en viktig debatt innenfor politikken. Argumentene er mange, og det er stor uenighet om selvbestemt abort fortsatt skal være legalisert. Hovedargumentet imot abort var svangerskapet var en del av naturens gang, og ved å utføre dette satte man seg ''opp mot naturen''. Hovedargumentet til de som var for abort derimot, var at kvinnen selv måtte ha retten til å bestemme over sin egen kropp. Positiv side ved abort er det ført og fremst slik at fosteret er et menneske fra unnfangelsen som gjør dette abort mord og det er umoralsk og ulovlig. Det andre er hvis abort er akseptert og lett å få tak i, vil folk bruke dem som en prevensjon. Alle babyer er spesielle, en kvinne kunne abortere en som kunne ha vært president. Negativ side ved tema er at å la en baby født inn i en uønsket hjemme er grusomt og kan føre senere til omsorgssvikt. Dessuten er ikke fosteret et menneske ennå; det kan ikke leve utenfor livm... ... middle of paper ... der abort ikke er lov, så prøver ofte kvinner å gjøre dette selv, med ulike metoder, eller eventuelt gjør ting som skal få kroppen til å frastøte barnet. Dette blir kalt ”illegal abort”, og ender ofte med døden. Før abortloven i Norge ble vedtatt var det stadig notiser om kvinner som døde når de prøvde å fjerne fosteret selv. En kristen etikk vil i teorien stride mot abort. Det vil være å bryte det femte bud. «Du skal ikke drepe», du vil bryte den «gylne regel». Store deler av den kristne etikken er bygd på dette. Så ut fra denne modellen hadde blitt sett på som drap å drepe. Hun ville blitt møtt med sanksjoner. Den kristne etikken bygger på tro, håp og kjærlighet, hvor kjærligheten er viktigst. Den kjærligheten til sin neste. Handlingene skal være gjort av kjærlighet da vil det følge med i tillegg troskap, barmhjertighet, rettferdighet, sannhet og ærlighet.
The topic on abortion gives a moral objection to a fetus’ right to life, while it is questionable whether or not the death of the unborn child is unjustifiable. Although it may seem as if abortion puts women in situations where it is necessary to save the mother’s life in some situations. Until both pro-life and pro-choice can come to a conclusion and an agreement, this debates on abortion will continually go on. Both sides need to be able to draw the line somewhere and balance each other’s weakness.
This article written by Eleanor Cooney, talk about abortion. In it she shared her experience about an unwanted pregnancy and the difficulties she went through to have a safe abortion. She talks about two women and how they
The current issues concerning a woman’s right to an abortion include the debates between pro-life and pro-choice groups that promote either restrictions or extensions to a woman’s ability to receive abortions respectively, along with debate about the role that the government should play in the process of limiting or extending rights. Pro-life groups argue many points against abortion including the beliefs that life begins at conception, adoption is a viable alternative to abortion, the procedures sometimes cause medical complications, a...
When looking at the development of abortion policy, it is clear that it has always been a subject of controversy. Campaigns for the legalisation of...
Dagens næringsliv. (2013), April 24th. Voss vann med kjempeunderskudd, date accessed: April 18th 2014 [Online],
Abortion is defined as the premature expulsion of a fetus so that it does not live. Abortions can happen as a result of natural occurrences, but the interest of this paper is abortion that is induced. Abortion has been the topic of heated debates in many places. Nicole Miller went through an abortion at the age of 18, now 20 and is attempting to talk about the experance that it put her through. The government has had long difficult battles over the aspects of abortion. Legal cases have set benchmarks that are somewhat vulnerable. The church has had to analyze doctrines to decide whether abortion is right or wrong. There has also been violence in the way of abortion clinic bombings, assassinations, and political protest.
Abortion is an immoral act of killing and there are other much more logical moral ways to handle unwanted pregnancies. This paper full of information is to show the crewel harsh side of abortion so people can know that there is more to the act than the convenience makes it look like. The baby doesn’t just disappear, the baby dies. Please refer to this to inform others, many people have no idea and this paper will help them
The debate concerning abortion still exists and is causing a lot of controversy. One of the biggest is an issue concerning mother’s who are experiencing health compilations during p...
There are many limitations valued when it comes to the right of abortion. The news media still outlines the pros and cons of anti-abortion rights in certain-states-to soon, the entire country. My perspectives on the issue of abortion have been entitled from it to never be banned among citizen’s rights. The reproduction of pregnancy has been emphasized heavily on a mother’s decision to abort their child, but the father of the child plays an active role since he considers to that particular title. Through this current issue, majority of the people against abortion do not seem to have an open mind to how much it primarily affects the decision of the mother amongst her own views of considering abortion.
However after long time, abortion remains question under discussions. There are strong arguments both for and against abortion. Therapeutic abortion that is one of the most disputable topic in modern society is evident capable of generating intense passions, that lead to a great number of other social issues. In recent decades, on a global scale there is increasing pressure for changes in abortion which could lead to a various consequences.
One of the most controversial issues in this day and age is the stance people take on abortion. The two main positions that people take are either of pro-choice or pro-life; both sides, although polar opposites, tend to refer to both the issue of morality and logical rationale. The pro-life side of the debate believes that abortion is an utterly immoral practice that should be abolished. On the contrary, abortion should remain a legal procedure because it is a reproductive right; its eradication would not only take away the pregnant person’s autonomy, but would also put more children in financially unstable homes and the adoption system, and would cause an increase in potentially fatal, unsafe abortions.
Begge historiene viser temaene fordommer. Både andungen og Harry blir sett ned på av sine familier på grunn av egenskaper som de ikke kan kontrollere, dette er temaet fordommer. I tillegg, både andungen og Harry blir fulgt av oss, leseren som følger dem gjennom reisen og kampen deres. Begge starter ut med livet sitt på bunnen, helt til de når et punkt i livet hvor alle ser opp til dem og blir rost for hvor gode de virkelig er.
...tersom frigjøring har vært en viktig side ved flere av filosofenes virksomhet, noe som gjenspeiler seg i Beauvoir sin filosofi og syn på kjønn ved at dersom kvinner frigjøres vil menn også bli frigjort.
What creates individuality in us is the ability to have the right to our own opinion. As the rape culture and teenage pregnancy becomes a more apparent issue, abortion surfaces itself as a leading topic in today’s society. Although contraception may be an option for everyone, there are still risks involved and mistakes to be made. Females from a wide range of age groups frequently have abortions today because of wrong decisions and special circumstances. We see various advertisements and propaganda emerging all around us. The news media still continue to outline the pros and cons of having an abortion. Abortion has been the subject of debate for centuries between many human rights activists, religious groups, and even health care practitioners.
Abortion is an extremely controversial issue and one that is continually on the forefront of debates. Those who oppose the idea (Pro-lifers), thinks it is an act of woman playing “God” who live from who dies. Yet, whether an unborn baby constitutes a normal person is questionable; a pregnant woman, on the other hand, has the undeniable right to choose whether she wants to have a child or not. Therefore, the decision to have an abortion is the personal choice and responsibility of the woman, because prohibiting abortion impedes freedom of choice and endangers the physical and mental health of women.