Essay Of Vengeance In Frankenstein

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Vengeance, an infliction of injury, harm, humiliation, or the like, on a person by another who has been harmed by that person; violent revenge. Immoral conduct; an evil practice or habit; depraved behavior, this is the definition of vice. Virtue, moral excellence; goodness; living life by ethical principles. Some people let their vices take over their virtues. This happened to the creature in Mary Shelley’s gothic novel Frankenstein, and a serial killer by the name of Nannie Doss. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is about a scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who made a creature come to life by using galvanism. The creature was made up of different corpse’s parts so he looked deformed. Due to this Victor, his own creator, abandoned him. Because …show more content…

Half way through creating another monster, Victor realized all the harm another monster could cause. Therefore Victor stopped his work immediately. The creature then killed Victor’s best friend Clerval and killed his wife Elizabeth. Victor’s father got so depressed that he died. This was the breaking point for Victor. He too now seeked vengeance. Travelling through the bitter cold so he could catch up to the creature, Victor got stranded on a piece of ice floating on the ocean. A boat rescued him as he suffered from being extremely ill. The captain tended to him but the illness was too much for Victor and ended up dying. Somehow, the creature found out about Victor’s health and got on the boat he was on without anybody noticing. Finally, the captain heard somebody crying in Victor’s room. It was the creature, he explained that he was very regretful for all the terrible things he did to Victor. Nannie Doss was a serial killer who was abused as a child by her father. As a young girl she read a lot of stories about romance. She was determined to find the love of her life. She married five times and each time she did not find love, as a result she killed her family …show more content…

Abuse is when someone treats another in a harmful, injurious, or offensive way. The creature was beaten by stones and sticks, “The whole village was roused: some fled, some attacked me, until, grievously bruised by stones and many other kinds of missile weapons, I escaped to the open country and fearfully took refuge in a low hovel, quite bare, and making a wretched appearance after the palares I had beheld in the village.”(Shelley 103). The villagers believed he was a monster that was going to try and hurt them. They were so terrified of the creature that they started attacking and abusing him. Executed Women of the 20th and 21st Centuries written by L. Kay Gillespie describes what famous women killers did and parts of their trials. Most of the trials describe events of what happened to these women during their childhood. Nannie Doss was included in this book, “ was brought out that she still bore scars from when her father used to beat her with a chain.”(Gillespie 50). When Nannie was a young girl, her father abused her which left scars. Both the creature and Nannie faced abuse, the society against the creature and Nannie against her father. This is only one similarity between Victor’s creature and Nannie

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