Essay Comparing Frankenstein And The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner

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The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Frankenstein have many similarities that readers overlook. Both authors describe the cruelty that victims face in Frankenstein and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner with the killing of one another. The characters among these stories discover the true beauty of nature and how it could affect the characters’ perspectives. The Creature and the Albatross plot their revenge for Victor Frankenstein and the Mariner. Both authors talk about the punishment that Victor Frankenstein and the Mariner receive, how the perspective of one could change by the beauty of nature, and the revenge that the monster and the Albatross take on towards Victor and the Mariner.
Victor Frankenstein and the Mariner, the main characters of …show more content…

These themes encircle the idea that people should always appreciate nature for what it stands for. For instance, the Albatross plays an important role as a part of nature in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. The author tries to express how people should never disturb nature’s beauty. Coleridge states, “And I had done an hellish thing,/ And it would work 'em woe:/For all averred, I had killed the bird/That made the breeze to blow./Ah wretch! said they, the bird to slay,/That made the breeze to blow!” (Coleridge 91-96). The author describes the murder of the Albatross as a “hellish thing” because the mariner chose to do evil towards nature. (Coleridge 91). Moreover, this quote clearly states that the Mariner made a big mistake of killing the Albatross. One of the penances that the Mariner goes through has much a great deal to do with learning how to love nature. In a similar way, the author of Frankenstein emphasises the importance of nature and how the characters react to it. Shelley writes, “What became of me? I know not; I lost sensation, and chains and darkness were the only objects that pressed upon me. Sometimes, indeed, I dreamt that I wandered in flowery meadows and pleasant vales with the friends of my youth…” (Shelley 138). Nature means numerous amount of care to Victor that he puts the beauty of nature before himself. In both Frankenstein and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the …show more content…

When Victor creates the Creature, he gives life to him yet, not love, therefore, The Creature’s pain gives him the eyes of revenge. After The Creature reflects on his existence he describes his feelings, “ I know not; despair had not yet taken possession of me; my feelings were those of rage and revenge” (Shelley 116), showing his eyes for revenge. The Creature obtains this knowledge through books he finds showing which gave him the intentions to seek revenge. The Creature accomplishes his plan of revenge by murdering Victor’s family to show his pain Victor causes. Likewise, nature avenge the death of The Albatross, however, The Albatross’ spirit seek revenge. The Mariner describes Nature’s revenge because nature stops, “ a breeze, [and] a tide” (Coleridge 169) to his the Mariner’s ship showing how nature avenges The Albatross’ death. nature shows her anger with punishment to The Mariner to show she will avenge The Albatross’ death. The Creature and The Albatross both show the presence of revenge through punishment to whom they want to seek

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