Erikson's Stages Of Development

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My reflection is based on the explanation of the main idea discussed in module 3, along with my own personal thoughts and experiences related to the material in the text. Module 3 talks about Erikson’s psychosocial theory about the stage development that expended the entire lifespan. His theories start from infancy, toddlerhood, preschool, school-age, adolescences, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood. Erikson describes the psychosocial crisis, the supporters, and the outcomes or achievement for each of this stages. From Erikson’s psychosocial theory model, the stage I can relate to right now is identity versus identity diffusion. I know my identity, but I am still exploring to find out what I can do or what I like and …show more content…

There are different types of identity adolescences and young adult can development. The book has four different types of identity including achieved, foreclosure, moratorium, and diffusion. These identity helps make who we are, what our goals are, and the achievement we will make. Module 3 also talk about how these identities are still being used to assess identity development and how it’s connected to parenting and school. For example, if a student identify him or herself as moratorium, this student is still exploring new areas. This student is trying out new thing like the worth to go to school today since his or her parents are giving him or her the choice. If this student parent set rules for him or her, then not going not school is not an option. In my experience, not going to school is not an option as well. My parents are using authoritative parenting style, where I have to attend to school every day unless I am sick because education is extremely important to the family. The parenting style that my parents used help to set my …show more content…

We all know that we are a member of an ethnic and racial group. The way we identify ourselves to other to show that we belong to a group is different and they can either accept us or reject who we are. Module 3 states that having a strong positive ethnic identity can help with school performance and it may protect us from discrimination against our peers and teachers. Once a student is in school, he or she will find the ethnic group that a student belongs to and building their friendships to support each other. Along with ethnic identity, we can also identify our gender roles. We all have roles on this earth and the society created those roles for us. Society is stereotyping our gender role like women are feminine and men are masculine. Also, the role that was given to women as they have to be home caring and cooking and hem have to go out find job to work. I think that’s is fair because society can’t tell us what we want to do. We as men’s and women’s can work and take care our children at home if we want to. Along with that in the school setting, women and men can both go to school to gain education. Not one or another is better, but If they are teacher will have high expectation for them and that is not fair to many

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