Erikson Transition Into Adulthood

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Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory explains how the process of childhood to adulthood is very significant in an individual’s lifespan. Suddenly, the child becomes more independent, and begins looking at the world in terms of their future, for example, choosing a profession, relations, families, residence, and others. The person desires to be a part of society and follow society’s rules. This is a vital period in development where the individual starts learning the role he or she plays in the adult world. In the transition into adulthood, infants battle with problems such as confidence, independence, and originality. Children who attend school usually fight to fit in, so they can feel capable and efficient. Teenagers ask questions such as, “What …show more content…

For example, international students develop group identity by the influences of different people in their life. Some teenagers copy their identity, by following their parents ethics, such as beliefs. Other teenagers may copy the identity of a friend. However, most teenagers do form a feeling of satisfaction with their lives. When teenagers attend college, their identity is more clear than before. For instance, they have a clear concept of who they are as an individual and what is the role they want to play in society. If teenagers do not work on their identity, eventually they become confused of who they …show more content…

It appears that when the adolescents reach college or university, they already have a sense of who they are as a person and which role they play in life. They begin to experience different cultures and variations of things they never had a taste of. Also, they learn how to interact with these different cultures and find what makes them special and unique from others. Friends can have an influence on a teenager’s identity; that is why it is better if one associates with group of people who think likewise in order to maintain our beliefs, values, or culture. College or university can be one of the best experiences an adolescent can have. It is important that parents control their children’s relationships because most of their identities or true self is based on the individuals they associate

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