Entertaining Politics

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We see politics everywhere, we are bombarded in our everyday lives with politics. Politics start at home with hierarchies of the house, then follow us to the office or place of employment, our communities, governments, and even world politics. Truly there is no getting away from it, even our entertainment is filled with politics. We see it all the time in movies like Forrest Gump, or series like Bomb Girls, sitcoms such as All in the Family, Roseanne and countless others; even the music to our ears is fueled with political messages. This poses the question why would we navigate freely to politics in entertainment? Simply put it is funny, entertaining, and it can even prove educational. Finding, and presenting the humor in politics is both challenging, and potentially risky, but when done right it is pure genius. The majority of the population is drawn to entertainment that they can relate to, and understand. Often times historical events are played out in various avenues of entertainment in such a way that is easily understood, where it may otherwise be overlooked or not understood at all. Entertainment can also make light of a situation that is in fact very serious, it also allows people to see the error of their ways in a non-confrontational manner, which promotes progress and change for a better world.

Throughout the 70's we witnessed an uprising of African Americans, and feminists through the programming of our televisions. “All in the Family”,“The Jefferson’s”, “ Good Times”, “Maude”, “Mary Tyler Moore Show”, and “Rhoda” all can be attributed to the apparent transitions of our political times.

For example, let's take a look at the long-running sitcom “All in the Family”. “All in the Family” aired on a pr...

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...t state of entertainment.

Today's entertainment is at its most liberal and open-minded state, this can be seen as both good and bad. Some of the programming available is questionable at best, it seems that we have reached a point of no longer having a filter. A point where anything goes, no subject untouchable, of course there are exceptions to this rule. We do still see the occasional outrage at the mention of topics not meant for discussion by those not ready, or willing to address them. It is truly in the eye of the beholder whether we have gone to far or not. The die-hard conservative may shudder at the mention of today's entertainment, and its values. The liberal may smile, and contemplate at the accomplishments that have been made, and the feminist may say, “we have only just begun”. It all boils down to the politically ideology of each and everyone.

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