Engaging Social Lending

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Passive income can be defined as income which you earn without being actively involved. Essentially it just happens to tickle in without as much as a little effort on your side. They are very many ways in which you can create passive income today especially with the onset of the internet and technology in the comfort of your couch. In this article, we shall discuss 15 ways in which you can create passive income in the subsequent paragraphs.

1. Engaging Social Lending:
Investing in an online social lending will ensure that you earn high interest on your money for the loans you give out to borrowers. Great online platforms to do this include Lending club.

2. Safe Investments:
Investing in safe investments such as treasury bonds is a classic …show more content…

You can invest in a property and expect a monthly income from the tenants who have rented the premises.

5. Web Photography:
If you are a photography enthusiast, you could convert this into a money-making pastime for yourself. Various online site offer passive income for photos uploaded on their sites once they are downloaded and used by other users.

6. EBook Writing:
Writing an eBook that contains useful and unique information can be a great way of making some passive income. When users download your publication on your website or on a hosted website, you are sure to make some extra dollars over the year

7. Blogging:
Blogs are able to bring in income depending on the number of people who visit them at a particular instance. This is called traffic. If you can create a captivating blog that can attract a lot of traffic then you are sure to create a good passive income source for yourself for a long time to come.

8. Making YouTube Videos:
You could also venture into making expert videos on topics you are passionate about for uploading on YouTube. These can be fitted with Google AdSense which injects ads on your video. By clicking on the ads viewers are able to earn you passive

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