Passive Income Freedom

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Passive Income and Financial Freedom With today's world becoming the more internet focused, it provides tons of opportunities; one of which is creating a passive income. This is one subject that has been highly debated in the world, primarily because of its nature. Everyone at some point or the other thinks about an income that allows time to relax and more to spend with your loved ones. Where you do not have to worry about how the money comes in, as long as they just come in. I believe this is what financial freedom is all about. One of the secrets to achieve all this is through the concept of passive income. A lot of entrepreneurs and business people have been taking advantage of this secret for a long time and they keep getting richer. …show more content…

A passive income is income you earn investing in a business without actually being involved in the business activities. A passive income earner is one who earns from a source that is not his/her contractor or employer. This is in no mean to say that you do nothing and in the end want to earn something. No matter how you want to look at it, this way of making an income still requires work. You would be surprised by the amount of work some passive income require. The only difference here is that no matter the work you participate in, it is nothing compared to the actual work involved. As much as some may like to think of it as a way of earning money while you sleep, I would like to defer a little. That is not so! Building a passive come stream requires a measure of work, maintenance and subsequent re-invention. Passive income is not something you set up so you can have the time to yourself doing nothing. The idea behind this type of income is liberating your time for other fruitful undertakings. If that is all your purpose for creating a passive income stream, you won't end up happy, but rather frustrated - one way or the other. The Other Side of the Coin - Active …show more content…

let us set one thing straight here: there is no way one can say he or she is making money without any value being created. Money is only made where value is created and this value is people-originated. In as much as passive income is defined as activity for generating income where the outcome is not necessarily dependent on your activity. It only means that income gotten is not directly proportional to your time and effort. So you see, an effort and time must be involved. To have an idea about what passive income really is, below are some features of passive income You never have to communicate with customers like the traditional business Every month (as the case may be), money is coming in with a minimal effort or none at all from you. It never stops until you want it to stop Has the potential to grow in value Passive income and the principle of

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