Employer Openness Survey

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Employer Openness Survey When contacting the manager in regards to setting up an interview, he portrayed himself as an open-minded and reasonable employer who stated that he has hired individuals with disabilities in the past. Hearing this news helped me formulate my decision to analyze Gateway Inn and the housekeeping position the company offers. What are your company’s strengths? The manager did not hesitate at all when responding to this question. He mentioned the company to be a clean product and a great value for the area. Gateway Inn is located on Sunrise Highway in Merrick. There are not too many other hotels in the area and Gateway carries out a 24-hour check-in policy, which makes it a convenient spot for guests. He also brings …show more content…

Usually, the consumers would first come in with a job coach and once the consumers have a full understanding of what duties need to be completed on a daily basis, they would start to work on their own. Gateway recently offered a permanent job for one of the interns, by creating a new position. The consumer had been interning for the maintenance department. “I was very impressed by the way he worked. He never requests breaks, he does everything accordingly. Even though we were already fully staffed, I still wanted him to permanently join our team. The only way to find room for him would be to create a new position. And because of that, he’s still working for us.” This is not the only time Gateway Inn has created new positions. A few months ago, the manager created a new position for the dining room in the lobby. Normally, one of the housekeepers would set up the breakfast table and brew coffee. Now, they have a Dining Room Attendant position. When the intern had to leave, the manager found the new position so successful that he is currently looking to fill that position again. With that being said, it is safe to say that the response to this question earns a rating of …show more content…

“I’m aware of co-workers getting together on their own time. But other than that, we don’t plan any social activities.” Considering that this is a closed response, it receives a scoring of 1. If a new hire or current employee asks for an accommodation who would you go to for technical assistance? The manager stated that he never experienced a new hire or current employee to ask for an accommodation. “If an employee ever did ask for one, I would probably ask our maintenance manager for his advice. He previously worked for a company where an accommodation was needed for an employee.” The manager could not think of any other sources to use. As a result, I rated a scoring of 3 for this question. How do you handle it when an employee returns to work after an illness or injury? The manager stated that it’s never been an issue when employees miss work due to an illness or injury. One of his employees recently returned from a 6-month absence because of an injury. “If they definitely plan to return from work, I would rather hold the job for them than to rehire and train someone new. If I have to, I’ll hire someone for the position temporarily until the old employee returns.” Considering that there is a formal approach to this matter, I rated the answer a scoring of

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