Empathy In Social Media

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Empathy is instilled in all humans but we show it in different ways. Empathy is feelings people have for one another. Humans show empathy by being compassioned, caring and understanding to each other feelings. On one hand, as technology, social media and cell phones has evolved empathy has been decreasing for each other according to research. Because technology have taken over how we interact with each other people aren’t having face to face conversations anymore. Cellphones and social media have taken the place of the face to face conversations. If we don’t converse with each other face to face how are we able to display our feelings. Technology have taken over some of our lives people have become dependent on cellphones, internet and gadgets. …show more content…

They have become obsessed with digital media. Nowadays they post on sites every event accrues in their life. The only interaction they have is through social sites and texting each other. Because they are addicted to social media it has affected their social skills and empathy they show face to face. They are not able to interact with one another without posting their interaction, texting other people or able to have a serious conversation. If they only interact via social media how are they able to show empathy for others? The less they interact with society they are likely to become insecure, isolate themselves and a fear of not belonging. If they are not taught how to connect to their emotional side they will not know how to react to other people feelings and serious …show more content…

In Wikipedia it states that “she now focuses her research on psychoanalysis and human-technology interaction. She has written several books focusing on the psychology of human relationships with technology, especially in the realm of how people relate to computational objects”. In her book, Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in the Digital Age she argues that text messaging, social media and emails have replaced face to face conversations. She claims that social media is harming people relationship by not interacting with one another. So many of us have friendships with people we could, with planning, see face-to-face but choose instead to “see” online. We become accustomed to experiencing this “convenience” as the normal way to spend time together. (173) Turkle feels that social media is taking over our lives and people is losing empathy for each other. Empathy means staying long enough for someone to believe that you want to know how they feel, not that you want to tell them what you would do in their circumstance. Empathy requires time and emotional discipline. (173) We need face to face interaction to experience the empathy one shows to another. A psychiatrist Daniel Siegel in Turkle book has taught us that children need eye contact to develop parts of the brain that are involved with attachment. (170) Empathy requires time and

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