Empacho: Gastrointestinal Problems or simply Indigestion

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What is Empacho?

Empacho, when related to gastrointestinal problems is, in a sense, a form of indigestion and one of the most common folk ailments in a Hispanic culture10. By some people it could also be more of a belief and described as a blockage of the stomach and intestines, as a ball of sticky undigested food, or foods that are hard to digest. This can result in symptoms such as pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, etcetera.

This being said, there are several different forms of empacho. One of these forms is empacho seco, a “dry” sickness. Generally meaning there is a lack of diarrhea and appetite11. Another form is Empacho Aguado which is its “wet” form. Where there can be diarrhea, fever, and so on. There is another version of this illness known as Emapcho Feurte. Meaning it is the “strong” from of empacho or in many translations the “embarrassment.” This form could contain symptoms from both of the previous mentioned types. However, this particular strain, could be much more life threatening.
In addition to affecting the gastrointestinal tract empacho can also involve the pelvic region of the body. When it affects the pelvic area it can result in problems such as vaginitis8. This occurs when there, “Is an inflammation of the vagina that can result in discharge, itching and pain.”12 Symptoms of vaginitis consist of, but are not limited to, pain during urination, discolored vaginal discharge, and intense vaginal itching.
However, with this element of the conditioned mentioned, the focus of this paper will be on empacho as it affects the stomach and intestines while also looking at the various treatments for it.

How is empacho treated?

There are several ways that empacho of the gastrointestinal tract can be treated. Th...

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...ters for Disease Control and Prevention. http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/tips/folkmedicine.htm. Accessed March 29, 2014.
8 Dashe A. Spanish for Health Professionals Notes: Ser, Estar, Empacho
9 Jockers, D, Chiropractic Helps Digestive Disorders July 2010 Available from: http://www.naturalnews.com/029164_chiropractic_digestive_disorders.html (Accessed April 2014).
10Bogue, H, Folk and conventional medicine is collaboration possible? October 2011 Available from: http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Folk+and+conventional+medicine.+is+collaboration+possible%3f-a0270373126 (Accessed April 2014).
11 Farlex, January 2011 Available from: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/empacho (Accessed April 2014).
12Mayo Clinic Staff, Vaginitis March 2014 Available from: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/vaginitis/basics/definition/con-20022645 (Accessed April 2014).

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