Elements Of Tragedy In Things Fall Apart

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The novel “Things fall Apart “by Chinua Achebe can be, consider as tragedy. As per Aristotle, tragedy should deal with the theme, which is serious and main protagonist in the novel should come from Nobel family and if he is not from Nobel family, he should earn high social statues. According to Aristotle True tragic hero should suffer both physically and mentally and further the novel should consist of conflict, rising action and then leading to resolution at last evoke pity and fear to the audience.".In this way, its shows the plot moves from hamartia through anagnorisis and peripetiea to catastrophe. However there is the presence of six major element of tragedy, plot, character, though, diction, song and spectacle.

In Achebe novel “Thing …show more content…

The other is that okonkow struggles to be different From his father who is unproductive,weak ,lazy and poor. The rising action is when Enochs unmasking of an egwugwu, the egwugwu’s burning of the church,and the district commissioners Sneay arrest of muofian leaders force tension between Umuofia and the colonizers to a breaking point and the climax is that when he returned from his motherland to Umuofia after seven years of exile. However, things had changed a lot, as he notice that his returned did not attract any person like before he went to exile. He noticed that the colonizers had taken hold of the land and they were suppressing the people. Okonkwo tried to bring back the honor of his tribe, started convince his people to fight against the Whites, but none of his villager support with him and he came to understand his villager better when he murders the messengers of the white missionary who had come to stop the clan meeting. It really disheartens him the starring eyes of his villager who had let go of messenger. This makes him realize that no one will support him to fight with white missionary and that he alone cannot change the world. (Achebe

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