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Kindergarten observation experiences
Kindergarten observation experiences
Cognitive development in childhood 4-9 years
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My overall experience at Pine Meadow Elementary school was great. I got to meet many new kids in Ms. Uran’s 3rd grade classroom. These 3rd graders are 8 or 9 years old. Ms. Uran’s classroom was a very normal or average sized room. To get to her classroom you take the first main hall to the left. That’s the one closest to the office. After that hallway you take the next right at the first hallway. Ms. Uran’s door is the second to the left. Inside this classroom I would help the kids with their worksheets if they need help. They also worked on vocabulary and grammar. Sometimes I would grade papers in the back of the room. there is two windows, a sink, and a Ipad charging station. The desks are put into groups ranging from two to five desks per …show more content…
group. The kids dragon masks are hanging from the ceiling. AT the kids desk about half of them have a ball to sit on. There are about 21 kids in the class. Everyday I get to PME at about 8:30 to start my day. Almost each day the kids will read a story and answer questions. II end at 9:50 and drive back to the high school. At the time I’m at PME the class is working on language arts. At around 9:40 the switch into math, but sadly I can’t stay for it. Only twice when I was at PME there was an old student teacher who came to visit. He goes to SCSU. Erikson states in stage four that kids learn self-discipline. I observed a girl that got told to put her feet on the floor while sitting on the ball. After this she never did it again. Erikson states that working with others is a good skill. Most days the kids have to read out of their text books. The groups they are in are about four or three people. When I was in one of their groups, they divided up parts right away without fitting or complaining. They took turns reading. After this they have to work on a worksheet. For the most part they did a good job on their worksheet. They took turns reading questions and sharing their ideas. Erikson states that there are leaders and followers. For example Indiah is a leader, because she helps keep everyone on track. Also Indiah is very smart and listens. For an example of a follower is like Ben. Ben is usually of track and very loud. Ben lets other people do the work and tries to copy. Erikson also states that kids start to show talents and skills. Olive show skills with reading. She is very fluent and smart. Skinner states that a behavior followed by reinforcing stimulus results in an increased probability of that behavior occurring in the future.
All the 3rd graders read as much as they can, and then take AR tests. Depending on the amount of AR points they have they can add items to their dragon masks. Skinner states that if a behavior isn’t reinforced as much it’s less likely to keep happening. When the kids read with me and they start talking to their friends they keep getting off track. Howard Gardner states that a person who is musical performs, composes, and appreciates musical patterns. Kiera loves singing and humming. She will humm when she working on homework or something. Howard Gardner states that a person who is logical can analyze problems using logic. The class was working on idioms. An idiom is a use of words as an expression towards something. For example, it’s raining cats and dogs. Indiah got almost all of them right. She used logic to figure the idiom out. Sternberg states that someone with creative intelligence can imagine, pretend, invent, and design. Sofia draws very nice pictures for her age. She always ask to draw on the back of her homework if she gets done early. When I correct her homework I always notice her creative
drawings. Lev Vygotsky states that parents, teachers, and peers promote learning. Ms. Uran promotes learning by encouraging it and coming up with fun ways to learn. I also promote learn by keeping the kids on track and helping the kids out. Molly also promotes learn learning. When Ben wasn’t doing his work she would encourage his to help out. I have learned a lot from these seven theories. Some theories have similar ideas, when other have different ideas. Some theorists focus on individuals, and other focus on multiples children. After learn about these theories I can point them out in my 3rd grade class. Like the 3rd graders making their dragon masks. These theories also help me know how to help all types of students. I have really benefited from learning these theories.
DESCRIPTION. Good examiner's manual, the Profile of Creative Capabilities (PCA) was created mainly to recognize 'gifted students around creative thinking' (p. 7). Alternate uses include monitoring progress in creative-thinking classes and undertaking research. The items inside the PCA include two subtests of divergent thinking and two rating scales (Home and School). The rating scales have identical products. The examiner's manual instructs a college mental medical adviser or any other qualified test administrator the easiest method to administer and score some measures define the PCA. Tables running the manual let the user to alter raw scores to standard scores and percentile ranks, and to derive a standardized 'creativity index' from combined total scores in regards to the two divergent-thinking subtests.
Development is always a major factor in children with intellectual or behavior issues. One test that is dynamic to this factor is the Profile of Creative Capabilities (PCA). The Profile of Creative Capabilities (PCA) includes two subtests (Drawing and Groups) and 2 rating scales (a house along with a School form) which are purported to measure 'creative capabilities, domain-relevant abilities, creativeness-relevant abilities, and intrinsic task motivation of scholars between your age range of 5- and 14-11' (examiner's manual, p. 5). Enter test includes eight stimuli with instructions for that child to make a picture. To encourage an innovative element towards the task, the kid is particularly expected to 'draw an image that nobody else would think of' (examiner's manual, p. 5).
The daycare that I visited was Rosemont Daycare and Preschool. This center is faith based and I was able observe the “Duck Class” which was the age group of four and five year olds. I went to observe on February 11th and 16th, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 and the 18th from 3:00 to 6:00. On the 11th and 16th, there were a total of 12 children in the Duck class. At 9:00 the children were engaged in circle time meaning that the children were learning about their bible verse for that month which was “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.” The children then discussed what they thought that meant. On the 11th I was present to see the children, the ones I decided to observe were Kali, Roslyn, Fiona, and Brayden. When the children were doing crafts I sat near the counter island in the class room so I was out of the way but still able to see and hear what the kids were doing and saying at the table.
Isbell, R. & Raines, S. (2003). Creativity and the arts with young children. New York: Thompson Delmar Learning.
I officially began my career as a student teacher in Spanish on August 25, 2014 at Memorial High School in Smallville, Ohio. I work under the guidance of Mrs. Santer, my mentor teacher, who has been introducing WMHS students to the wonderful world of languages for over 30 years. This year Mrs. Santer is teaching various levels of Spanish (Advanced Placement, IV, III, and I) as well as French I.
Mrs. Laners’ teaches first grade at Smallville Elementary School in Smallville, Ohio. Her class is made up of nineteen students, eight of which have been diagnosed with ADHD. In addition to ADHD one student has also been diagnosed as oppositionally defiant, meaning he does the opposite of what is being said to him. He is the only student to have his own desk; all other students have assigned seats along three long tables on one side of the classroom. There is no teacher assistant assigned to this classroom.
In electing to observe a kindergarten class, I was hoping to see ‘real world’ examples of the social development, personality types and cognitive variation found within the beginning stages of “Middle Childhood” as discussed within our text.
Creativity comes from the heart and soul of people 's mind, and grasps the person’s ability to draw, and paint.
Management of resources is important for the early year’s school because they have to deal with different functions and duties. It is noticed that issues arises within the setting that can be minimised effectively with the help of effective managerial roles and responsibilities. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the management roles and responsibilities within the context of early year’s children schools. The management roles and responsibilities, management theories, management styles and principles, process of recruitment, strategies for multi-disciplinary working relationships and financial resources are the factors that are described in the paper in the context of early year’s children school. Management Roles and Responsibilities in
Before learning about early childhood in this class I never realized all the way children at such a young age are developing. From the second part of this course I learned how much children are developing at the early childhood stage. I never realized children learn how about their emotions, having empathy, and self-concept at such a young age. I thought children had it easy. They play with friends, start school, and just be kids. One important thing that stood out to me in this chapter is that children’s self-esteem starts at this stage. According to Berk (2012), “self-esteem is the judgments we make about our own worth and the feelings associated with those judgments (p. 366)”. Self-esteem is very important for a child to have and it can
Anyone who takes the time to learn, and especially to acquire diverse knowledge, can express great creativity. As said by Vern Burkhardt, “The mythical views that we have about creativity and genius are almost impossible to reconcile with the scientific method” (Burkhardt). In other words, this quote is saying that no science is able to backup that creativity is linked to a higher IQ. So, all in all, anyone who applies themselves to a topic or field can be creative in that matter. You don 't have to be a registered genius to be
The school that I visited was new. It was the first year of the school opening. The school board had combined two schools into one, so the students had to adjust to their new environments and new individuals. They seemed to be getting along well with each other. Since the school is new the teacher has to adjust to new problems that araise. Times for the subjects and times for using the computer labs change. So the teacher must always be fixable for anything. In this observation of this classroom I learned about the enjoyment of teaching. How you have to adapt to each of the students.
Creative Arts in early childhood education refers to children’s participation in a variety of activities that engage their minds, bodies and senses (Sinclair, Jeanneret & O’Toole, 2012; Kearns, 2017); to inspire all children with the opportunity for creative and imaginative expression. Duffy (2006) and Sinclair et al. (2012) state that creativity is the process where children use their imagination to problem solve, develop new ideas, independence and flexibility to accomplish tasks. Furthermore, when educators foster creativity, they are assisting children in making meaning through play and developing their growing capacity to communicate, collaborate and think critically to meet the demands of life in the 21st century (Duffy, 2006; Korn-Bursztyn, 2012; Sinclair et al., 2012).
I attended a second grade class at Smallville Elementary on February 22, 2014; the class began promptly at 0855. There are 26 children in this second grade class. There are 15 male students and 11 female students. The student diversity is 2 Hispanics, 1 African-American, 1 East Indian, and 1 New Zealander (White but with an extreme accent). Three children were left-handed.
The students that I observed in the classroom were of middle to high school. I went to see 8th, freshman, 10th , and seniors classes, they seemed excited and very curious to why I was there. The middle school was more alive and rambunctious while I observed them. The High school kids were more relaxed, more comical. Some were paying attention while others seemed tuned out to the lecture or involved in socialization with friends within the class. By the end of the class Mr. Hasgil had restored the attention of everyone by using tactics such as history jeopardy with candy as the prize with the high school kids. In both he middle school and high school the kids were mostly Caucasian with a mixture of black, Asian , and Hispanic in the classes.