Electric Cars Depend On Where You Plug In Analysis

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Global warming is caused by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2). Greenhouse gases can destroy Ozone air layer that shields dangerous waves from sunlight like ultraviolet wave. The result of that hazardous waves able to down to the ground too much and the earth get higher temperature. There are many organizations are trying to create technologies that can reduce the greenhouse gases such as the Nissan automobile. Nissan Leaf is a model of electric cars that Nissan created for decreasing releasing amount of greenhouse gases. Electric cars use electricity for transportation, so when drivers are driving the cars on the road, they will not release any carbon dioxide. However, the electricity that electric cars use for recharging comes …show more content…

Depends on Where You Plug In”, Paul Stenquist (2012) illustrates that electric cars can release greenhouse gases or can not because it depends on how the electricity that is used to recharge the cars was generated from. According to Stenquist (2012) if the electric cars are recharged by the electricity that is generated from renewable energy like nuclear and solar power, the cars would have zero for carbon footprint. Also the electricity that is generated from natural gas that would produce carbon less than coal. Carbon footprint is the total amount of gas carbon dioxide, one of the greenhouse gases, that the cars release or spend. The author also gives an example to show how charging electric cars at Denver and California are different in amount of carbon footprints. Reports from EPA and U.C.S. are used by Stenquist (2012) to support that the carbon footprints that the cars made are different depend on the sources of electricity that recharge the cars. However, the chief excusive of Nissan at that time declared that it does not matter what is the electricity that recharge the cars generated from, electric cars are still better in the way that can reduce emission than the best of gasoline car model can

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