Egypt Family Research Paper

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In Egypt family is a big part of life. It is how people learn how to live when their parents past. In every family there is a mother, a father, and children. Sometimes in a family widowed family members and unmarried family members live with them. To start a family you have to find someone you love to marry them. Marriage is the beginning of everything. If you are a female your dream is always to marry a man, it’s your role. When a man and a woman get married, the woman takes care of the thing inside the house, and the man works outside. Shortly after people are married they have children. Some couples can not have children, so the adopt a child. If a husband died the woman and the children keep the property. If the husband divorces his wife the wife keeps the property and the husband has to pay her compensation. When a male and a female get married they share a house. A house includes beds, small tables, stools, and chests. Chests, hold clothing, jewelry, and dishes. People used wood to construct the furniture. The couple use rushes and palm leaves for mats and baskets. Most people had statues of Bes and Taweret all around their house. Not all, but some families had cats, birds, dogs, and even monkeys. That is what most houses looked like. …show more content…

Before a woman could get pregnant, they had to take a test to see if they were fertile enough. Most children didn’t make it past a couple of months. When a woman was having a child there were statues of Bes and Taweret all around because they are the gods and goddesses of women at childbirth. Once a child was born the woman screamed “Aneksi” which means “they belong to me.” A child brought lots of joy to a family. The parents chose the name that meant joy or happiness most of the time. If a child had a nickname it meant that they were loved very much. The woman would be in lots of pain after childbirth so they were given medicines and

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