Corporal punishment is a controversial form of physical punishment used to deter crime or unsavory behavior. It was often used in the past, but is now discouraged or even seen as immoral, at least in Western countries. Corporal punishment is a morally unjust way to get students to act in an acceptable behavior. Corporal punishment has been used in many schools back in the day. However, it had no positive effect on the children themselves or on the education they were receiving. All it taught the children was that inflicting harm on each other was an acceptable way to persuade them to get something done. Studies show that corporal punishment in schools have lasting negative effects on adolescents. Additionally, it interferes with the child’s academic progress, along with their goals in school. Children who are victim to corporal punishment usually have an increase of child aggression and antisocial behavior. It is still very much an issue, as twenty-one states have yet to prohibit corporal punishment. More than a million cases are still being reported and approximately 15,000 cases have requested medical attention. Corporal punishment is more frequently reported in the Southern states (Duper, DIngus). Children’s minds are easily molded and very impressionable. If they are seeing a kid getting spanked because he is not being acting in a certain behavior then they will think that it is a normal thing. Students should not suffer if they have misbehaved, they are still young and they have not learned fully what is acceptable. They should have a talk with the kid’s parents and see if they are aware of this behavior and if they are, it should be handled before it escalates into a bigger problem. The American Psychological Association has stated, “The use of corporal punishment by adults having authority over children is likely to train children to use
Dupper, David R. , and Amy E. Montgomery Dingus. "Corporal Punishment in U.S. Public Schools : A Continuing Challenge for School Social Workers." Schools and Children 30.4 (2008): 243-250. Print.
Social tolerance of spanking has been the norm for thousands of years. The most widely accepted source coming from the bible. He who spares the rod hates the son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline (New International Version, Proverbs 13:24). Religion and culture have been a very common excuse for the spanking of children world-wide. “Hitting children is intertwined with religious beliefs, cultural views, and social policy… (Kazden & Benjet). However, the world has changed and evolved into a much more civilized society. In this country alo...
The general acceptance, and sometimes support, of corporal punishment as a method of discipline is an aspect of the American culture (Barnett, Miller-Perrin, Perrin 61).
Many people believe that physical punishment of a child is not right and in a public institution, they have a right to get involved and try to stop what they see as violence against children. In fact, one Texas judge sentenced a mother to five years of probation after spanking her child, even though there is no law that strictly prohibits spanking. Despite the increasing mindset that spanking is abuse, sometimes a handprint on the backside is more effective than a firm warning. In a study done by the Pediatrics, it was found that a small two percent of children observed showed any negative effects from spanking and even that could have been the result of something else. So if spanking does not really harm a child mentally, then there is nothing to worry about.
I don’t believe giving your child a spanking or “whipping them” for what they did wrong is wrong. Discipline is a Latin word that means “teaching” or “learning” and I believe spanking a child for serious, harmful, or uncontrolled bad behavior is appropriate. Spankings are usually given by a parent, legal guardian, teacher, or other person in authority over a minor. Generally, spanking is given when a child displays unacceptable behavior such as being rude, foul language, stealing, fighting, and other acts of disobedience. Wikipedia states that in most societies, “parents are regarded as those having the duty of disciplining their children and the right to spank them is appropriate” even though this is changing in many countries.
Spanking has several effects on the children which build many opinions among the people. Researchers have shown many positive and negative sides of physical punishment. There are several people that agree with spanking their children and there are others who are against punishing the children. Many of the parents who spank their children believe that spanking is sometimes okay because they think it will make a positive effect on their behavior. Spanking is used to correct children’s behavior, but, many people think that instead of bettering the child’s behavior it makes it worse. Spanking has been a huge issue in the past decades. Many children have been physically abused and many others have never experienced any physical harm. However, several people have been fighting so that spanking becomes against the law and so that the children have more rights and security. On the other hand, there are other parents that want spanking to be legal because they believe spanking has helped them correcting the child's behavior.
The belief that corporal punishment should be banned is sensible in order to protect the wellbeing of children, as well to do justice onto those who do not recognize the mental and physical damage it does to their victims.
Spankings are a vital asset in raising children. Adults who were not spanked as children as opposed to adults who were spanked may have disagreements about differing methods of discipline, but the fact remains that discipline is an important foundation of building the life of an upstanding citizen. Parents of today’s generation of children have seemed to have gotten away from the spanking method of disciplining their children and the perceived effects of this is running rampant through today’s society. Children who were spanked versus children who were not spanked behave differently in different situations throughout life. In fact, spanking your child can actually be more beneficial than once believed if practiced the right way.
...bad behavior. However, I cannot completely agree with physical punishment. It is largely because the effects of corporal punishment are just temporary. Also, according to studies, physical punishment has had a bad effect on students such as students imitating the corporally-punishing behavior of their parents or teachers and reducing self-esteem and the IQ of children. Corporal punishment can be abused as well. Most teachers are now using corporal punishment out of anger instead of using it to correctly change behavior of students. Spanking children is an action that goes against the times and it is time for a change in the world. Corporal punishment isn’t the best way to discipline children. There are other ways like encouragement and consultation. All in all, I can say without hesitation that we should find other means of discipline instead of corporal punishment.
Physical Discipline What is it: Physical discipline is a form of punishment that inflicts pain, usually on a child, and is exercised by a parent or someone of legal authority. The purpose of physical discipline is to stop the negative behavior or undesired acts present in a child. Corporal Punishment in School in Canada In the past, the act of corporal punishment was used as a discipline technique in many schools all over Canada.
"Summary of Research on the Effects of Corporal Punishment." End Corporal Punishment., Apr. 2013. Web. 12 May 2014. .
Corporal punishment is the physical disciplinary method used by parents, teachers, and school administrators in an effort to correct a child’s undesirable behaviors. The use of physical force is one that is often times controversial and usually evokes very strong reactions. These feelings surface, and opposing views clash, when scandals surrounding corporal punishment hit the media and heated arguments in the comments section of articles emerge. While corporal punishment occasionally makes its way into the limelight, it is a decision all parents are faced with eventually and often times daily. For example, when a toddler is sprawled out on the grocery store floor kicking, hitting, and flinging
Throughout the history corporal punishment on children has been a debatable topic. Corporal punishment includes the use of physical strength with the means of triggering pain for purposes of correcting or controlling a child’s behavior. It is a wide-ranging term that incorporates a choice of behaviors from generally accepted and widely used acts, such spanking a child’s behind, to rarer and possibly fatal acts, such as beating a child with objects. For some people, specially some parents, corporal punishment is necessary to correct the child behavior before it gets out of hands. Some believe that is a form of preventing the child to grow up as a delinquent or a form of incorporating that they must listen when they are being told something.
Secondly, corporal punishment in schools should not be permitted is because it can lead to harmful effects in a student’s health. Because according to Science Daily “a child in a school that uses corporal punishment has performed worst in tasks involving executive functioning-- such as, for example: planning, abstract thinking, and delaying gratification.” In addition, according to Social Development, “harshly punitive environm...
Corporal punishment means to educate by implement of physical pain on learners in order to enhance their ability of studying. As we know, students will often follow the instructions which given by their instructor. However, if they don’t, many instructors are likely to introduce the corporal punishment such as hitting, slapping, spanking and kicking rather than promotes the oral education method to force their students to have a better performance. Gradually, corporal punishment have become a widely known phenomenon all over the world. According to the Department of Education’s 2006 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC), it clearly showed that a total of 223,190 students without disabilities received corporal punishment in that year around the