Effects Of Workaholism Essay

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Tobiasz Fic
Mrs. Headley
8 December 2015
Workaholism and Its Effects
Since the world is now fully developed to the point where people do not need to worry about their own survival, new problems arise. There are now modern conflicts, such as cancer, pesticides in the food and water, lack of sleep, and unusual addictions like workaholism. With the new world depending on how much money an individual makes, some men and women fall into an obsession with their career. This process is called workaholism, or simply an addiction to work. Workaholics often are not aware they are addicted to their job, or do not want to talk about it. However with workaholism rates rising, society needs to be aware of all the trouble this wolf in a sheep 's costume …show more content…

In his article, "Are You a Workaholic? Workaholism symptoms and regaining balance", Neal Osterweil quotes Bryan E. Robinson: "I always say that the difference between someone who 's a true workaholic and someone who 's just a hard worker is that the workaholic is on the ski slopes dreaming about being back at work, and the hard worker is in the office dreaming about being on the ski slope." (Osterweil). This is a good analogy for this illness, as workaholics often do not know that they are workaholic or do not want to talk about it. The symptoms and effects reveal the …show more content…

Its cause is well known, it is the workaholic 's wage. Many people are workaholic, but plenty of those people do not even realize it. Workaholism has numerous symptoms and consequences, which are separated into physical, mental and social. As physical problems, there is back pain and sickness absence (not feeling well). For mental problems, workaholism is a self- winding treadmill which perpetually gets faster and faster. This causes depression, stress and other symptoms, including headache and stomach ache. Social problems are those within social groups. This includes a workaholic 's relationship, friends, family and children. Workaholism is a brutal mental sickness and with workaholism rates rising, the society needs to be aware of

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