Effects Of Hazing In The United States

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Many high school or college clubs sometimes haze newcomers and it can be very dangerous. Imagine going to a new school and joining a club and the initiation is getting abused, mistreated, and threatened. Students probably do not think about getting hurt just because they joined a club, but it happens. Hazing in schools has become an issue in the United States throughout the years, and people need to help prevent it from happening.
Hazing is a type of bullying that is meant to embarrass people and sometimes can be dangerous. Hazing and bullying are a lot alike except for after people haze someone for a little while they will become friends after. Hazing can happen at any school and in any type of group. Hazers are people who possess power …show more content…

Many students who are getting hazed do not tell anyone and that is more dangerous than if you do tell someone. Hazing someone may cause them physical pain and many injuries. Not telling someone to stop the hazing can cause brain damage, sexual abuse, scars, and bruises. Hazing victims also get humiliated, because they think they need to earn their place to be were the older ones are at. Not telling anyone if you are getting hazed can lead you to serious injuries and mental damage leading to self abuse. Haze victims go through depression, many emotions, and some mental health concerns. Hazing also leads someone to lost friendships that are not in the organization. Making newcomers underage drink can cause alcohol poisoning and even death. Athletic performance and academics may be decreased when being hazed. Telling someone about being hazed can help these things not to happen and stop hazing for good in your …show more content…

Hazing is illegal in 44 states, but students do it anyway. Hazing breaks laws and many policies in schools. Serious outcomes are forced on hazers like lawsuits, disciplinary control, and legal consequences. Hazing is considered an illegal act which could lead hazers to jail. Devastating lawsuits are charged to anyone who hazes and could affect the rest of your life. People who are caught hazing have trouble into getting into colleges, clubs, or sport teams. Hazing can also become criminal if it involves alcohol, improper touching, physical abuse, or beating someone. Hazing can also affect government applications and people that trust the person who hazed, may not trust them anymore. These consequences could harm hazers throughout their life, so think before you haze someone. There are many ways that people haze, and most can be really

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