Effects Of Double Consciousness

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“Too black for the white kids, too white for the black kids.” “Where do I fit in?” These are common questions one may ask themselves if he or she is struggling with double consciousness. Many people struggle with a double consciousness every day without even realizing the effects it has on them or even the people around them. Double consciousness was discovered in 1903 by W.E.B. Du Bois which he referenced the internal conflict experienced by subordinated groups in an oppressive society. He relayed his message in his writing “The Souls of Black Folk”. As stated before, double consciousness has many different effects on a person such as them trying to fit in, having to feel like they have to pick a side (black side or white side), or eventually losing themselves. The first effect of double consciousness is trying to fit in. Many teenagers and even adults struggle with this daily. People who try to fit in are constantly losing their inner self by silencing what they truly believe in. By trying to fit …show more content…

This is a huge problem today because people do not realize that once he puts on that mask to be something he is not, even for a “second”, that can have a permanent impact on who he is. His whole persona changes and the people around him will most likely not recognize the person he is becoming or who he has already turned into. Most people do not realize that once he loses himself, he will eventually lose the people he loves and cares about deeply. If he finally wakes up into reality and see who all he has effected, it may end up being too late and that is the worst feeling. In conclusion, double consciousness has many different effects on different types of people. Sometimes double consciousness can be used for one’s advantage for the better or even the worst. One must still be true to who they are so they will not be blinded by what society thinks he should

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