Effects Of Caffeine And Fast Food

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On average, coffee drinkers in the Unites States drink 3.1 cups of coffee a day. Caffeine and fast food dominates our lives. About 90 percent of Americans drink caffeine whether through caffeinated beverages or cocoa. The majority of studies on the health effects of caffeine are inconclusive because caffeine affects individuals differently depending on their size, intake, diet and the amount of exercise they get. (1)

Gender, age and income are all factors that impact fast food consumption. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, in 2010, More than 2 in 3 adults were considered to be overweight or obese, which can be connected with fast food being in Americans diets. About one-third of children and adolescents …show more content…

Upon ingestion, caffeine connects with adenosine. Adenosine is a compound that builds up throughout the day and “runs” through your brain 's receptors, making you weary. Caffeine is similar to adenosine in structure and will work its way through the bloodstream into the brain. Once entering the brain, adenosine and caffeine compete and combine. Caffeine then takes over adenosines job and replaces your weariness with energy. Caffeine does not only affect the brain. Some side affects of gaining adrenaline include increased heart rate, opening up of airways, and reabsorption in the brain, which makes you feel happy and gets your blood pumping (Bundey). (5)
The Monster you pick up from the cafe, Coke you grab from the fridge, Ben and Jerry 's you buy from the store, and the coffee you drink from Dunkin, all have one thing in common: caffeine. In the United States, over 70 percent of the soft drinks has caffeine present in them …show more content…

A study done in India in 2015, by the Department of Clinical Psychology, at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, records the increase of caffinated product use by teenages. According to their study, usages have increased up to 70 percent in the past 30 years, “Consuming common caffeinated beverages like sodas may enhance the preference for sweet foods throughout the lifespan when regularly taken during childhood It can contribute to excess caloric intake and have a negative impact on one’s nutrition intake” (Kumar, 1).

(7) When it comes to knowing how much caffeine the body can handle, it is gauged on the brain development and body type. Healthy adults can drink 300 to 400 mg of caffeine daily. Children 's intake of caffeine should be limited because their brains are still developing and bodies are still growing and caffeine could possibly interfere with both. If a child is to use caffeine, a moderate amount of it is recommended. A teenager should only take 100mg of caffeine every six hours, because they are still in the process of growth and brain development is crucial at this age (Noel) (8)
To help gauge the directed caffeine intake, according to Caffeine

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