Education In Colonial America

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The years 1607 and and1754 mark the start and end of the colonial time period. The time period begins with a single settlement, Jamestown, and concludes with thirteen colonies. The colonists in America faced numerous hardships such as famine and attacks from Native Americans. Nevertheless, the settlers persisted and helped give birth to this nation. Being the founders of the country, these colonists laid the foundations for the education system, which would be changed and improved in years to come. The US education system in the colonial time period had a number of purposes and influences. When the first colonists came to America, they quickly set up schools due to the fact that education is such a vital aspect of a strong and productive nation. The first schools set up were …show more content…

In order to administer discipline, teachers would hit or beat the students if they misbehaved. This created an atmosphere where students would grow up knowing right from wrong, thereby building a nation with morals and order.When the colonists became more settled in their land, the education system was improved upon. For example, the British curriculum in schools in America began representing more of the schools they had back home. They opened elementary reading schools, Latin grammar schools, private venture schools, and an apprenticeship system. Private venture schools adopted the most secular curriculum of the ones listed and taught courses such as navigation, surveying, and bookkeeping. Though education like this and schools like Harvard were divided by social and class rank, there were programs which provided aid to the less fortunate. The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, for example, made its way from Britain to the US. This agency of the Anglican church provided underprivileged children with an education, whereby they were provided with textbooks, teachers, and other facilities. While attempts to educate

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