Educated Guesses Essay

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Students will understand what the word “prediction” means and learn to make educated guesses based on both prior knowledge or experience and new knowledge. Good readers use things such as texts, titles, pictures, and prior knowledge to make educated guesses before, during, and after they read. Taking an educated guess means making a prediction. Predictions can be made at any point of the story. After making perditions, good readers should be able to read through the text and confirm their predictions. Making predictions involves the students using their prior knowledge and newly obtained knowledge from the text. According to, “Making predictions activates students' prior knowledge about the text and helps them make connections …show more content…

The students will understand what making predictions are and how to make them through explicit teaching and modeling. The teacher will think out loud and model the process of making predictions before, during, and after reading. The teacher will state, “Hmm, based on the title, I believe this book will be about the ancient Egyptians, their culture, and their daily life. I know this because I used the title and the picture on the front as a clue.” The students will be told that when we use what we know to make an educated guess we are making predictions. During our read aloud the teacher will model from The Ancient Egyptians by Rosemary Rees how to make predictions. Making predictions ensures that the children are constantly thinking and wondering what will happen next and why. When students improve their prediction skills they will gain a better understanding of what they are reading. Making predictions is also a …show more content…

Also, students’ developing comprehension skills as they complete a graphic organizer predicting what would happen if the Nile River did not exist, and why Egypt is called “the gift of the Nile” after reading The Ancient Egyptians. My students will learn to work in groups and support one another to achieve a common

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