Ecclesia De Eucharistia Description

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Christians and non-Christians alike are probably familiar with, or have heard of, The Eucharist; albeit, the non-Christian will likely know it by the more common name of the Communion, The Last Supper or the Sacrifice (Pohle). The basis of the Eucharist is indeed founded in the Last Supper of Christ and the continuing celebration of the Communion with God. Still signifies the sacrifice that Jesus made to allow all of mankind to be forgiven of their sins and, again gain a place in God’s kingdom. On April 17th, 2003, Pope John Paul II presented to the world his 14th and last encyclical letter as the Supreme Pontiff. In his Ecclesia de Eucharistia, presented on Holy Thursday, Pope John Paul II discusses in depth the Eucharist, its importance in history and future, the magnitude it had on the Church and faith as well as the significance of its continuation for the church and mankind. This essay will begin to summarize this encyclical as well as shed light on what inspired and influenced its creation and why it should be considered for today and for the future generations of man.

To begin, we must first explain and summarize the true meaning of the Eucharist and what it means and signifies to the Catholic faith. Fundamentally, the Eucharist is a story of the actions of Jesus during the Last Supper with his 12 disciples prior to his crucifixion. During that meal, Jesus broke bread and while giving the bread to each of his followers decreed that the bread was his body and they should eat. As he passed around wine for the disciples he declared, “This is my blood,” and they were to accept his gift and continue on with his work after his crucifixion and subsequent resurrection and ascension into Heaven (Lk 22:19-20). Catholic bel...

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