Easter Sunday Celebrations In The Roman Catholic Church

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Date On 20th April 2014, I attended Easter Sunday celebrations in the Roman Catholic Church. This is the day Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the most important celebration in the Catholic Church; it can’t even be compared to the day Christ was born. Easter Sunday happens after forty days of fasting, this represents the suffering Jesus went through because of our sins at the cross. Good Friday comes prior to thanksgiving on Sunday; on this day we die spiritually with Christ on the cross and share on with his pain then rise up on Sunday and celebrate him.
I observed that on this Thanksgiving Day many people were in attendance you couldn’t compare with the normal mass. The celebrations are always lively as it marks a new change in our lives as Jesus died for our sins at the cross. The huge crowd sang praises songs, prayed and worshipped with a joyful mood. A survey that was taken a year ago showed that there is a decline in church attendance by 20% on regular mass by people unless on important occasions like Easter Sunday.
This can be explained by the recent survey that says that many Americans born Catholics have changed their denomination. It further says that one in ten American citizens in orthodox churches were once Catholics, this shows how the church membership is declining. Most of these Americans have moved to mega churches that have a high attendance rate as they believe the Catholic Church is still held up in the old era.
One could not fail to observe the joyful mood that was witnessed in the congregation. The congregation sang praise songs with an obvious happy mood, I was inspired with the mood and I joined the congregation in praising and worshipping God. Such days are rare to

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