Impacts of Early Childhood Trauma and Neglect

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Children Early childhood trauma generally refers to the traumatic experiences that occur to children aged zero to six. These traumas can be the result of intentional violence, such as child physical or sexual abuse, domestic violence, the result of accidents, or war. Young children also may experience traumatic stress in response to painful medical procedures or the sudden loss of a parent or a caregiver. Another type of crisis that a child may experience is neglect. Neglect occurs when a parent or caregiver does not give a child the care he/she needs according to its age, even though that adult can afford to give that care. Neglect can means in manner of not providing food, clothing, and shelter. It can mean that a parent or caregiver is …show more content…

One common crisis an adolescent will face is identity crisis. An identity crisis may occur at any time in the teenage years. It is a challenge an individual faced to find a sense of self. Not every adolescent goes through an identity crisis, but instead may face role confusions that are handed down by his/her parents. Some adolescents remain in a permanent state of crisis. Because there are more than two ways that people navigate their adolescent identity issues. (Whitbourne, 2012) Young Adults A young adult crisis occurs after entering his/her career domains. The conflict associated with young adulthood is seeking to form intense, usually romantic relationships with other people after establishing a personal identity in adolescence. Young adults’ common symptoms of crisis are often feelings of being "lost, scared, lonely or confused" about what steps to take in order to transition properly into

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