E-Commerce Case Study

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Like in other countries, e-commerce boomed in the U.S. with the emerging of the Internet in the late 1990s. By 2013, the e-commerce sales have reached over 2 trillion dollars, which was 5.8 percent of the entire sales as of the year, and nearly 200 million people in the country shop online on a regular basis. In order to encourage the development of e-commerce, the U.S. government takes a hands-off, minimalist approach to regulate the e-commerce market. As early as 1997, the White House under the Clinton Administration published the “Framework for Global Electronic Commerce”. The Framework set the principles for government in e-commerce as the Framework stating “the private sector should lead”, “government should avoid undue restrictions electronic commerce”, and “where governmental involvement is needed, its aim should be to support and enforce a predictable, minimalist, consistent and simple legal environment for commerce”. As a result, the e-commerce market mostly follows the traditional commercial code and consumer protection law with terms applied to e-commerce. In 1999, The Uniform Law Commissioners enacted the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA), and it is the first comprehensive effort to prepare state law for the electronic commerce era. The Act …show more content…

Although not all sales are covered by this rules, the FTC does provide solutions to consumers on asking for a refund, and talking to the businesses directly is one of the most effective ways to do so. Thirteen states in the U.S. mandate refund policy by law, and most businesses provide return and refund option as a business norm to provide customer service. However, if consumers cannot get refund from the businesses, they can file claims to related government agency and get

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