Dynamic Characters In Lord Of The Flies

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There are many different characters in the book Lord of the Flies by William Golding, along with their many different traits, despite some characters coming off as more likeable than others. Such as the characters Ralph, Piggy and Jack all play an important role in the book at one point or another. Because of this, each character is given their own personality, development and purpose.
One of the main protagonists on the book Lord of the Flies is a boy named Ralph. Ralph is a twelve year old with blonde hair and is considered a more charismatic character in the group. An example of Ralph’s leadership is the quote, “If we have a signal going, they’ll come and take us off. And another thing. We ought to have more rules.”(Page 42) Ralph is just one of the different unique characters that show’s his leadership in the story Lord of the Flies.
Another interesting character in the book Lord of the Flies is a fragile intellectual boy who the boys call Piggy. Unlike the other characters in the story, Piggy is the most Vulnerable due to his Poor eye sight, weight problems, and overall health. Although piggy is shown to be intelligent, the rest of the boys in the group often dismiss Piggy’s ideas. “Shut up fatty.”(Page 21) Is one example when Jack says this to Piggy, it shows he is …show more content…

When first arriving on the island, Jack seems like the typical twelve year old boy, until he is faced with the challenge of killing a pig. After he spares the pig, he becomes obsessed with going through with killing the pig next time so much so that it often puts the rest of the boys in danger. Jack slowly starts to become a symbol for violence. “You should have seen the blood.”(Page 70) Jack boasts about his successful attempt at finally killing the pig later in the book. After this incident, Jack appears more blood thirsty and savage as he slowly starts to take the role of an antagonist in the

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