Dylan Thomas Reflection

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A Reflection of Life, Seen Through Deaths Eyes
“Dylan Marlais Thomas was born October 27, 1914, in Swansea, South Wales” (Dylan Thomas 1). His father David John Thomas had a huge influence on his life from a young age. David was an English Literature professor and “would often recite Shakespeare” (Dylan Thomas 1) to Thomas. Poetry became a passion for Thomas and he would spend much of his childhood reading poems from his favorite artist. He looked up to poets such as “Gerald Manley Hopkins, W.B. Yeats, and Edgar Allan Poe” (Dylan Thomas 1). Dylan Thomas’s relationship with his father, drove his passion for poetry, and propelled him to stardom. His father’s passing would lead to his most famous work titled “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” …show more content…

Yeates and Shakespeare (207). The artists that Thomas had adored and grew up with his father reciting them to him as a young boy. His word selection and his character association connect closely to W.B. Yeates “Lapis Lazuli” and Shakespeare’s “King Lear”. Cyr see’s “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” (Thomas) as reflecting “the attitudes towards how one lives in the face of impending death” (208). Cyr and Westphal, both agree that “the sad height” is a time, “a moment in life represented as a place” (Cyr 212, Westphal 113), seen as “a metaphorical plateau of aloneness and loneliness before death. (Westphal 113). Thomas’s father had been slipping away. His soul had diminished and depression has started to take over in his last few …show more content…

“Dylan Thomas’s ‘Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night’. Through ‘Lapis
Lazuli’ to King Lear.” Papers on Language & Literature, vol. 34, no. 2, Spring98, p.207
EBSCOhost ezp.tccd.edu/login?url=httpp://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true
“Dylan Thomas” Poets.org https://www.Dylan Thomas/poetsorg/poet/dylan-thomas
Kirsch, Adam “Reckless Endangerment The making and unmaking of Dylan Thomas”
The New Yorker, 2004 https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2004/07/05/reckless-endangerment
Thomas, Dylan “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” Text to Text Writing about
Literature. Bedford St. Martin’s 2017, pp. 493-494
Westphal, J. “Thomas's do not go gentle into that good night”. The Explicator, 52(2),
113. https://ezp.tccd.edu/login?url=https://searchproquestcom.ezp.tccd.edu/docview/

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