A Brief Biography of Dylan Thomas

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Have you ever heard the name of Dylan Thomas? Well, you probably heard of many people with that name; however, the man I am thinking of is a poet. Even though Dylan Thomas did not have finish school, his love for writing led him to become a wise and well-known poet. One of his most notable quotes is “Do not go gentile into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day, Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” Thomas formed a family and had three children; however, he left a legacy that is to be remembered for many years, his poems.
Dylan Thomas was born Dylan Marlais Thomas on October 27, 1914 in Sawansea, South Wales. He was born to David John Thomas and Florence Williams Thomas, and had only one sister, Nancy Marles Thomas. Although, Dylan Thomas went to school at Swansea Grammar School, he only attended for six years (1925-1931). In the years he went to school, he showed great interest in extracurricular activities that were related to school work. He spent many of his summers visiting his maternal aunts at Carmarthenshire. Town life and country life, or life o...

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