Caitlin MacNamara Essays

  • A Brief Biography of Dylan Thomas

    575 Words  | 2 Pages

    Have you ever heard the name of Dylan Thomas? Well, you probably heard of many people with that name; however, the man I am thinking of is a poet. Even though Dylan Thomas did not have finish school, his love for writing led him to become a wise and well-known poet. One of his most notable quotes is “Do not go gentile into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day, Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” Thomas formed a family and had three children; however, he left a legacy

  • The Poetry Of Dylan Thomas

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    “He who seeks rest finds boredom and he who seeks work finds rest.” Dylan Thomas was a talented poet with a troubled life. Like others with his passion, he turned his pain into poetry. His literature professor father and supportive family had a role to play in his success. He was considered the “Archetypal romantic poet of the popular American imagination”. His poetry was thought of as images that come together to form other images. (“Dylan Thomas” ) In his lifetime, Dylan Thomas wrote a collection

  • Biography of the Literary Works of Dylan Thomas

    1612 Words  | 4 Pages

    "Drunk with melody, and what the words were, he cared not." This was a very common view among early commentators about Dylan Thomas (Cox 1). Thomas was a poet who was either loved or hated. It depended on the individual, and how they viewed his poetry. He was very famous for his poetry because it contained visions of life, aspects of birth and death, fear, grief, joy, and beauty. At a younger age, Thomas was a very violent poet. As he grew older, he spoke for all men greatly when he wrote. He wrote

  • Life Challenges and History of Dylan Thomas

    891 Words  | 2 Pages

    vanity.” Dylan Thomas poems focused on death, religion, sex, and the love of English. Having a not so good childhood Dylan Thomas left school to pursue a writing career that flourished. While writing as a young artist he found the love of his life Caitlin MacNarma. Shortly after Thomas’s career began to flourish he died of slow death. Despite the hardship Thomas lived, he still managed to achieve his dream as a writer. Work Cited Collected Poems, 1934–1952 Lycett, Andrew. Dylan Thomas: A new life

  • The Dark Side of Dylan Thomas

    1470 Words  | 3 Pages

    contest in a popular newspaper (Thomas, English 2444). In 1934, at the age of twenty he published his first book called 18 Poems. That same year he then moved to London and several other villages where he started drinking a lot. In 1936, he met Caitlin Macnamara, a young Irishwoman, who had a bad temperament just like him and they got married and had three children. He supported himself in the last years in part with the long lecture tours of the United States, during which drunk or sober he gave great

  • Dylan Thomas Research Paper

    1100 Words  | 3 Pages

    Dylan Thomas’ lived his life beyond his years, abided by his beliefs and created works, such as The Hunchback in the Park, in which he displayed his wisdom. Most people have only heard the famous lines, “Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”(Thomas 2703), but have no idea where the line comes from, much less who wrote it. Thomas, like many other poets, has lines from his poetry that are famous, and yet, no one knows who penned them. He wrote many poems that brought him fame, but not fortune

  • Dreamland by Sarah Dessen

    1807 Words  | 4 Pages

    anticlimax, n. an event, period, or outcome that is strikingly less important or dramatic than expected The protagonist, Caitlin, has fallen off the top of the cheerleader's pyramid at the season's biggest football game. She also injured several other cheerleaders as she fell. She was distracted because she heard someone in the crowd yell out her sister's name. Caitlin has hated cheerleading ever since she made the team and falling from the top of the pyramid certainly didn't entice her to stick

  • Lessons Learned From Tennis

    1153 Words  | 3 Pages

    I hit the snooze button, I hear Caitlin yelling, “Get up Aki! Let’s go! Coach is going to kill us if we are late!” My friend, Caitlin, who was also my roommate and doubles partner had managed to awaken me with her loud warnings to get ready for our 5:30 AM Thursday training session. Thinking back now, I am convinced that the definition of teamwork can only be accurately portrayed at 5:00 AM. Sleep-deprived, mentally and physically exhausted, I walk with Caitlin to the UMKC Sweeney Athletic Center

  • Swiper as a Trickster

    549 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dora the Explorer is one of many of the new shows for the next generation. This is a cartoon with various settings, depending on the adventure of the day. Dora is a girl that is bilingual and has a magic backpack and a monkey named Boots as a friend. She is always helping someone get home and/or out of a jam. Dora and Boots have traveled in time and to far away lands to help. Like most kids shows of today, it is an educational show that teaches Spanish words and counting. There are also the lessons

  • Dylan Thomas Research Paper

    528 Words  | 2 Pages

    New English Weekly, marking his first international publication"("Dylan Thomas Biography"). This marked the beginning of Dylan Thomas' fame, which would spread before him like a wild fire. In addition, While still rather young, Thomas married Caitlin Macnamara in 1937, who gave birth to two sons and a daughter. "But while his fame was rising in literary circles, his business sense was lacking, so he and his family lived in relative poverty"("Dylan Thomas Biography"). Thomas constantly struggled to

  • Dylan Thomas: More than just Do Not Go Gently into that Good Night

    1483 Words  | 3 Pages

    “Do not go gently into that good night but rage, rage against the dying of the light.” –Dylan Thomas Dylan Thomas wanted to entertain people more than anything with his work. He was passionate about performing his work on the BBC radio and performing it live in front of an audience. Dylan Thomas faced tragedies in his life and his sorrow is shown throughout different poems. In the end his most known poems “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night” and “Death Shall Have No Dominion Over Me” illustrate

  • Dylan Thomas Analysis

    1184 Words  | 3 Pages

    Have you ever contemplated the definition of death? If so, then what did you gather? How did you define it? Did you merely observe the negative and ignore the positive? There are some individuals who perceive death as the end. On the contrary, some of us perceive death as the beginning. Although, death is inevitable, it is extremely vital to make the best of each second the Lord Almighty blesses you with, for you never know when it will be your time. A well-known and deceased Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas

  • Myeshia Winston

    717 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Great is the hand that holds dominion over man by a scribbled name”. Marlias is the middle name of Dylan Thomas which means “Voice of the sea”. Dylan parents were Florence Hannah Thomas and David John Thomas. Thomas left school at an early age and pursued his dream on his own. Dylan established much commercial success during his life time that landed him with many jobs. Dylan Thomas was an achiever in life, wrote romantic poems, and hard worker in what he believed in. Dylan Thomas was born on October

  • Analysis Of Nostalgia In Fern Hill By Dylan Thomas

    1150 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction: As Dylan Thomas said: “There is only one position for an artist anywhere; and that is upright.” And he was upright until the end. In this paper, we will discuss one of the classify poet the great 20th-century. A poet found his amusing art using just words, and led to publish incredible portrayed that caption the breath away. The discussion will include his life, and analysis his nostalgia in Fern Hill poem, where answering would be found to the different questions like what the