What Does Duplicity Mean

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Many people reject duplicity in all forms. By the word duplicity we will use the dictionary definition:
1. A) Deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech.
B) An instance of deliberate deceptiveness; double-dealing. 2. The quality or state of being twofold or double.

However, it may be suggested that duplicity and deceit is the basis of all social interactions. Witness for an example how most people go through daily life. You will notice that with every person they encounter will behave accordingly.

For an example a girl may be rude and caustic to a peer, condescending to another, then subserviently humble to a teacher. This is a very feeble example; nevertheless it illustrates just how changeable …show more content…

The Bible dictates that all people are equal under god as like creations and must be treated fairly. People as a rule is weighted down with original sin, and generally expose and exacerbate that sin wherever they go. This explains the tenant of how humanity is on the whole, sinful. Since all people are born with original sin, it affects their very behavior into such. Essentially, humans are carnivores who terrorize their victims regardless of who it is. That is the basis of human nature in their natural state, ignoring practices taught by the Bible. This is evident by the previous explanations. People adjust their behavior accordingly to maximize the profit gleaned from every social …show more content…

Therefore, it is best to experience everything available, then seek more, and as creatures ‘damned by their own hand’ by preying upon others one can fulfill their purpose, which is to live according to their nature. Through hostility and antagonism, one can learn to truly appreciate kindness in the company of others. When one encounters hostility it will be recognized for what it is, where before without the antagonism one would not really know what kindness is. This is much akin to the ‘without dark there is no light.’ Through all this one may learn to elevate themselves

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