Dunkirk Turning Point

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The Battle of Dunkirk By: George. Winnard Everyone would have been living a very different life if the Battle of Dunkirk never happened. The Battle of Dunkirk was a turning point in England’s history because of its strategic importance, the amount of lives lost, as well as the fact that this battle was a turning point in World War 2. The Battle of Dunkirk was a turning point in World War 2. This battle was important because Dunkirk was right across the channel from Great Britain and if the Germans got to Dunkirk, they could attack Britain. Then if they got to Britain and captured Britain they would have won the war. The battle was in the port of Dunkirk which was the last place on the western front. If the Germans capture Dunkirk they would …show more content…

There was around 400,000 Allies soldiers stuck on the beach in the battle of Dunkirk. 338,226 evacuated and the rest died. The body count was around 61,774 people. Many soldiers went to the battle of Dunkirk because it was the last place in France left controlled by the Allies and also if the Germans got Dunkirk they would be able to come and capture Britain. If they captured Dunkirk they would have captured and killed many of the Allies army and they wouldn’t be able to defend Britain. This battle was very important many people went to help in the battle but they all had to leave. When they were leaving there was a massive military disaster and many soldiers were stuck on the beaches just being shot and bombed. Many people had to stay because there was not enough space on the boats and they overloaded people on boats so lots of the time they flipped or got bombed and many people drowned. There were 800,000 Germans attacking 400,000 Allies. Many allied troops died because they were outnumbered and had less military resources. The Germans also had a better tactical advantage. The Germans already had troops moving in and had strong army that was close that could come and help and the Allies did not have as many troops that they could send to Dunkirk. Many died because the Allies army did not predict so many Germans would come so they did not think that the Allies army would need arial and sea support but they did. The Battle of …show more content…

It was extremely important because of its proximity to Britain, World War 2 would have ended much differently if this battle was never happened. Dunkirk was on the coast of France across the English channel. If the Germans got to Dunkirk they could have easily attacked Britain and if they had won in Dunkirk they would of weakened the Allies army so they would not have enough soldiers to project themselves. If the Germans captured Britain, the German army would have won World War 2. Britain was the main stronghold for the Allies army. The Allies began to be attacked by the German army, the Allies army stood under their air raid for a whole year until the end of 1941 when the americans stepped in to help. If the Battle of Dunkirk never happened the war would have ended fast and with far less casualties. In the Battle of Dunkirk between 61 and 62 thousand people died which made the Allies army weaker. Once the army was weaker the Allies were not strong enough to attack so people in Britain had to go under air raids because the Allies army did not have the resources to retaliate. Many people (both civilian and arm) died undergoing these air raids. If the Allies army was stronger and had more troops the war could have ended earlier. If World War 2 would have ended earlier the Allies would not have needed to ask the american army for support. The American army was reluctant to help the Allies but

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