Duck Hunting Poem

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By: Joseph O’Dovero Hunting is almost all fun and laughter but sometimes it’s a bitch. Sometimes things can get sour. Like one time when I was deer hunting and just as a buck was walking out of the wood some people who were trespassing drove by and scared the deer away, or when you have a big buck on your camera and you have been baiting him in for months only to find some trespasser skinning it one hundred feet from your blind. Hunting can be a bitch.

I remember the time that Ethan me and Tyler were out duck hunting in one of our hidden ponds and a flock of duck were landing. They looked so beautiful. The light shimmer off their feathers as the water beaded. A few minutes after they landed the water settled into a mirror again. …show more content…

It was about 7:30 and the sun was still rising over the pond. The glass had mirrored in the time since we had shot last. Once ethan got his kayak we slid it into the water. It seemed to cut through the water cutting the mirror not even breaking it. As Ethan got to the geese and started pulling them out of the water one decided that it didn’t want to die and bit him as he pulled it out of the water. The silence was broken by a high pitch scream that probably carried for miles. The water shattered as the kayak flipped over sending ethan, the other geese and all the other things he had into the water. The water wasn't deep but was murky and cold, so he didn’t try to swim away but to almost run along the bottom of the pond. As he half ran half swam away I broke into laughter. Once I regained control and he was far enough away I took one more shoot at the goose and finished it. Ethan went and recovered his kayak and the geese and his other belongings and we went home so he could …show more content…

I sit here and type about things that I’ve experienced in my life and some of it is hard to remember but some is burned into my mind things that I’ll never forget. Typing about it seems to bring me back and the memories seem to just flow by. Sometimes I’ll get stuck in a memory and let it play out in my head like the time that my Dad, Ethan, Aaron and I went four up in a single cab truck. We took that truck through every mud hole we could find until we got so stuck we had to walk back to get another truck. Once we pulled the first truck we started to hit the mud holes with both trucks. The best part is that we ended up cracking the rim on the second truck and the first truck had a leak around the bead. But I also stop and think about the bad times like when Wyatt, Wes and me were dirtbike and Wyatt crashed and broke his leg. I was right behind him when it happened and I remember as it happened in slow motion. I remember every detail. The fear I had when I thought that I ran his head over. Wyatts helmet came off and his head was so close to my

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