Drugs In Brave New World Essay

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Drugs, that's what's used all around our world today. Most are not used in a good way, there have been many drug overdose deaths because of opioids and drugs. In the book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Huxley tries to predict the way drugs would be used in the future. In some ways he was right, but in many ways his predictions were way off. In the Brave New World there is a drug called soma, soma is commendable in their world. Soma is kinda used as an antidepressant which in our world today is like Prozac. Although in our world today most drugs are unhealthy and unacceptable. People tend to use too much of the drug and it causes them to overdose, or become addicted. Prozac is an anti depressants, it's kinda …show more content…

It just all depends on the drug they use. Short- term effect depend on the amount used. It can affect energy level, mood, and perception. Long- term effects can include heart and lung disease, cancer and mental illnesses. There are many physical and psychological effect too the effect may come from the reason why the user is addicted. One psychological effects is “Craving” which is an effect when an addict is tormented into using the drug again and again. It doesn't matter which drug you're addicted to, the craving to use drugs becomes bigger and bigger. Some others are decreasing in pleasure in everyday life, hallucinations, and the tolerance of the drugs effect and making them wanna do more and more drugs. Some physical effects are kidney and liver damage, respiratory problems, seizures, stroke and brain damage. There are many different types of things you can get addicted to, some include prescription medication, methamphetamines, cocaine, marijuana, and hallucinogens. But one of the most common is opiates. They are a substance made from poppy plant which contains something called Opium. It creates a high and can be converted into heroin. The substance can create harmful side effects and can harm the body and the brain. 5 million Americans over the ages of 12 suffer from substance

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