Drug Experiences

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I thought for this entry I'd wax nostalgic with some of my most memorable drug experiences - including first times, best times, and worst times.


The interesting thing about weed is that the first time you smoke it, you don't get stoned. At least, that's the common impression. In reality, I think you just don't realize you're stoned the first time.

My first time smoking pot, I smoked a little dirty looking bundle of dried leaves out of a pipe my friend fashioned from an aluminum soda can (crushed carefully to create a bowl area, then holes punched with a tack to create a sort of screen). My friend had smoked a couple times before, and he brought the stuff to my house after school. My mom wasn't going to be home for an hour or so, and we smoked in my back yard. I didn't feel anything, although my friend acted like an idiot. At the time, I was sure it wasn't really pot, and that my friend was playing a trick on me.


My dad used to let me drink out of his beer, as far back as 10 years old. I never drank enough to feel it, and the first time I actually got drunk wasn't until I was 14. I was a Boy Scout (yes, really), and I was on a backpack trip with my scout troop. My buddy in the troop had brought some Vodka he stole out of his parent's liquor cabinet, and that night in our tent we drank until we couldn't even see straight - it was probably only about 3 shots each. One of the scout leaders caught us falling down drunk - I was scared shitless. He gave us a choice between him telling our parents what happened or accepting his punishment. We chose not telling our parents, and in the middle of the night we had to hike up and down a hill next to camp until we were sober again. The next morning we were sick as dogs, and the leader that caught us gave us each large stones, practically boulders, to pack back out. They weighed over 5 pounds, which was a significant addition to the weight of our packs hiking home.


One summer day in 1985 I was riding in my friend's back seat, with at least 4 other people in the car, on our way to the beach. We were all stoned, and this girl had these little squares of paper she called Blaze. We all chewed and swallowed them, then I promptly forgot all about it. A half hour later, still riding in the car (I lived in the San Fernando Valley, at least an hour from the beach), I was feeling very funny. This girl that ha...

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... brain works, and you become very aware of that fact after the first couple hours. It's easy to get tired of it and want reality back, even for just a little while. People can get pretty worked up about just wanting reality back, and I suspect quite a few bad trips have happened that way. Traci didn't get bad, but she was exasperated with not being able to sleep or study or do anything productive. At one point she laid down and tried to sleep for a long time - at least it seemed like a long time to me, it may have just been 15 minutes. I tried to humor her and lay down beside her quietly. When she gave up and got back out of bed she was angry, pissed at the drug for not letting her sleep, pissed at me for giving her the drug, pissed at herself for taking it. We were up until the sunrise, and she made her peace with the LSD before it was over. Even so, she doesn't want to do it again.


Wells that's all the drugs I can remember taking. There's probably more. Don't try this at home kids. Scratch that, try a few of them. I'd suggest avoiding meth and coke, but I highly recommend LSD. You will learn more about your own brain taking LSD once than during an entire sober lifetime.

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