Driving Miss Daisy

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Girma Mekonen
Bowie State University IDIS 460 Fall, 2014

MOVIE ANALYSIS 2 Introduction and summary
The movie called “Driving Miss Daisy” tells the story of a strong relationship between two distinctly different individuals of a Jewish widow and an African American man in a time of tense race relation …show more content…

It seems to keep a viewer engrossed. Hoke was very skillful in penetrating the prejudiced mind of Daisy as well as responding to her consistent
MOVIE ANALYSIS 5 denigration of him. Daisy’s apprehension of Hoke’s capabilities was moving and very realistic. It made me believe she felt that way given that time being the height of racism and racial segregation in the south. Similarly, Hoke, with his gray hair, intimidating body build and astonishingly odd grammar acted out his part perfectly. In this drama, at times humorous and empathic character piece, the characters strive to help each other as they get older. While Tandy is extremely credible as a prejudiced Jewish who can display her thought, Freedman is magnificent as the …show more content…

The plot is so simple that every age group can discern it. Similarly, the directing and acting are so beautiful that it enthralls anyone who likes movies. It may appear slow and boring for some people. However, it is a reflection of its time. It shows the injustice and huge inequality of races at that time. For example, at the time of employment, Daisy’s son tells Hoker that “she can say anything but she will not fire you” (Beresford, 1989). As a desperate job seeker, Hoke agrees with the arrangement emphatically. This is a true reflection of race relations during this time.
The movie clearly demonstrates the social inequality between whites and blacks in the 1940s until the 1970s. It denounces racism and inequality. However, it neither engages the audience to think about the cause of racism nor it narrates the ongoing movement for equality. It portrays poor correlation between racism and socioeconomic inequality. The movie also deemphasizes the collective struggle of black people for their freedom. It didn’t also reflect on the civil rights movement. Regardless of these legitimate criticisms, the movie is a good representation of life in the south at that

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