Mississippi Burning: Prejudice And Rejection In Film

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The movie Mississippi Burning is a glimpse into the time period of the early 1960s and how the southern states treated African Americans. In today’s world, many examples of prejudice and rejection can be seen. Within the United States, today, many events including discrimination, violence, racism and hate crimes can be related to the film, Mississippi Burning. The first example of comparison between the movie and the current times would be the Ku Klux Klan. The group called the KKK was a main threat to the African American population in the early 1960s (Hart). Currently, the Ku Klux Klan still makes threats to African Americans and other ethnicities, based purely on race. This group is found in the Southern States to this day, which makes us question on how far evolved some people’s minds have come since the 1960’s. In the movie, Mississippi Burning, we can see how the KKK is violent towards African Americans for simply being of color. One example from the movie is when a white man sat next to a colored, which resulted in the African American getting hurt.
Another example would be ISIS, and how they confuse religion with killing people for God. People in the 1960’s would kill for God as seen in Mississippi Burning. ISIS kills for their God, but nowhere in their bible it says to do so (LaFortune). This is not only a …show more content…

In Mississippi Burning, the police are very brutal towards the colored population. In recent times, police brutality has been experienced in the Southern States towards African Americans. This is a catalyst to the reason that police are required to wear a camera in their front pocket. In the movie, an example of police brutality is when the three ethnic men were being chased by a police car. This happened because the colored men were doing “white people work” as they referred it to. This shows how abusive the police can be and how the power may make them more arrogant than

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