Driverless Cars Research Paper

1007 Words3 Pages

Matthew Ignatowski
Mrs. G
Comp 106-10am
April 7, 2015

The Autonomous Future of Transportation
Automobiles have been around for over a century. They have evolved over time becoming bigger, faster, safer, and more reliable, but in the next 10 years the “auto” in automobiles will reach a whole new level. Thanks to advancements in technology, the driverless car is being introduced, for the first time, to the public in its basic form. Even though at the same time, self-driving cars have already been around for a few years. In October 2010, Google had already built a fleet of self-driving cars that had managed to collectively traverse some 140,000 miles of California roads (Vanderbilt P2). While the notion of autonomous cars may seem like a dangerous idea, since they bring up ethical questions, commuters have to realize how beneficial they can be for anyone living in the modern age. Driverless cars can improve vehicular transportation because they take the human error which causes accidents, out of the equation, they provide more recreational time for the passengers, they allow for more efficient cargo transportation, and they are more cost effective to insure and refuel. …show more content…

Truth be told, a self-driving car will always be a safer driver than any human being for multiple reasons. First of all, computers do not have emotions that can jeopardize their driving skills, which allows them to be more stable drivers. Computers also have a much faster reaction time than humans and can make instantaneous decisions based on their sensor data. Lastly, self-driving cars are more predictable than human drivers; they never let their guard down. In other words, self-driving cars can never get drowsy or distracted and therefore they never put their passengers or pedestrians on the street, at

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