Driverless Cars Research Paper

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Driverless cars are the future of roads and transportation, but there has been much debate about if they are safe enough to be on public roads. The technology however, is more prestigious than needed to be implemented onto roads all over the world. Computers today are already faster than human minds, so having them behind the wheel calculating all the ways to avoid accidents. There are 1.2 Million deaths worldwide from traffic accidents that could be easily prevented by automated drivers. Governments and corporations should invest into self-driving cars because its sensors are more precise than our senses, they are safer than human drivers, and computers learn faster than any human driver. Self-driving cars have more accuracy in their sensors than humans have in sight of where things are and how to avoid them. They use SONAR to detect for far an object is and RADAR to detect how fast an object is going. “An object emitting sound while moving toward you "catches up" to the sound waves it emits, making the frequency of the sound you hear higher than you would hear if the object were standing still [and lower when going away]” (Robertson, 72) This is called the Doppler Effect and is one of the many principles …show more content…

Computers also can’t be intoxicated or aggravated before driving. The way they are programmed are how they will perform instead of a mood or how tired a human gets. “Police in Tempe, Ariz., were called to a crash at approximately 6:25 p.m. Friday to find that the Uber SUV had been hit when another vehicle failed to yield.” (Overly, 25) A reckless driver hit my mother while driving an autonomous car while turning, but she sued the reckless driver instead of the car dealer because it was the driver’s fault. The crashes that most self-driving cars are in are the fault of other drivers, and shouldn’t be blamed on the autonomous

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