Driverless Cars Impact

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If we were to give complete control to computers when driving, do you feel that it would be beneficial for people? Would it be beneficial no matter what the price of the trial and error for this “perfected” version of driving? Before this “perfected” version of driving is met, more difficult problems could be found in this web of progression that needs attending to. The impact that driverless cars will have on society would be negative because of the car's lack of ability to adapt, the cost of such high tech vehicles may be extreme, and the cars will cause accidents.
One way that driverless cars will have a negative impact is because the car’s lack of ability to adapt. As stated in the article, on page 6, paragraph 2, “Driverless cars rely …show more content…

“For example, they would not obey a short-term stop sign. They also have problems figuring out when objects such as bits of paper garbage are harmless, so they can change course abruptly for no reason.” Found on page 7. The information stresses how the cars won’t be able to determine if something is harmless or not. If an accident were to happen questions could turn up like, who should be blamed for the accidents for the accidents, the passengers inside the car, those injured, or the ones who created the programming of the car’s tech. This stresses the questions that are to rise if and when accidents caused by self-driving cars happen, and who or what is to blame for the said accident. If the passengers had no say in what is to happen, meaning they can’t take action fast enough, what would they’d need to make the choices for the computer to either keep driving and hit 3 people in the crosswalk, or swerve out of the way and crash killing you and another passenger in the car. This will show the communities what the worst case scenario of giving the computer complete control, with the ability to calculate the value and number of lives ahead of the ongoing vehicle. therefore after being given the previous info, if you were to go around asking people if driverless cars should be the next goal for humanity, some could say yes, but others would say that humanity isn’t ready for such ideas and inventions just yet due to the possible

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