Driverless Car Safety

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Did you know that a driver is one of the most common cause of traffic accidents
And an average of 1.25 million people die worldwide yearly from car related incidents
These facts alerted people to try to aleviate the problem and thus brought along the waymo google driverless car.
What is a driverless car of course you may not ask but i will still tell you. It is a vehicle which is controlled fully by a robot.
There are many reasons why driverless cars will change the world but the main concern behind googles thinking was to create a perfect driverthis car will help with safety
Safety – people always try to believe we are good at driving but quit frankly we are not. The 1.2m people killed every year on roads worldwide are proof of that. Not like we do, driverless cars will never drive drunk and will not be able to speed, take reckless chances or race their friends at traffic lights. They will never get tired, lose concentration or send a whatsapp at the wheel. They will never get angry, upset or competitive. In retrospect, they will be a lot, lot safer than we are. …show more content…

Free time – Think of the time you waste driving a car. Hours a week, thousands of hours a year. Sure, some of that is enjoyable but most of it is annoying why not do some work instead and let the car drive itself? watch a film, chat with

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