Douche Bag: Character Analysis

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"Just because i said he was a douchebag doesn't mean I think it was a bad thing... Again,I was countering the dudes that were saying he cares, you are still taking that out of context. " Man, you said he was a douche bag for his actions which implies that you don't like the action he chose. I'm still not taking anything out of context because I specifically told you that I was addressing that which goes hand in hand with him leaving the village and going with Orochimaru. This has nothing to do with the other people you addressed. I'm done with this whole "You took my words out of context again." thing. "This has nothing to do with my personal opinion on sasuke, it has to do with CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT." Your personal opinion is that he has no character development and that he's a douche bag for leaving the village and going with Orochimaru, leaving Naruto and Sakura, knocking them both out, and attempting to kill them. By you saying he has no character development is your opinion and your words have stated that you don't like the actions he made which you've gone into detail with so that is your personal opinion. Here you go once again. …show more content…

". I was pointing out that he had one dimension to him, which was his hatred, and that that DIMENSION never grew or became dynamic until the last

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