Dorian Gray Good And Evil Essay

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This is a novel whose theme focusses on evil, which has been reflected in the novel’s setting, the structure of the plot, and the characters that are in the novel. The novel shows how people can be transformed from being good people who have morals and values to become evil because of the evil that is lying within them. The evil in the book is the one that has been created by different characters because of their immoral views, and has been thrust to the individuals and the people that they influence. The theme of the novel is; evil exists within every individual, and the flaws of people such as being overly ambitious bring it out.
An important thing to note is that the mid-eighteenth century was an influential era especially in England. During this period, people were judged based upon their appearance and status. Dorian was a wealthy and intelligent man who …show more content…

He has traded his soul for his youth, and this signifies that he has gotten rid of the good that was inside him in order to seek the pleasures of the world. In this plot, one feels that evil lies within an individual as shown from the moment that he decides to remain forever young; his moral principles begin to deteriorate. The evil becomes too much that at some point; he is able to see it in his portrait and decides to hide the portrait so that other people do not see how evil he has become.
Lord Henry was a direct influence on Dorian and he showed him how he can live a life without feeling remorseful for the different things that he participated in. He lectured Dorian about youth and living, and he developed a different perception or thought process to Dorian. Lord Henry’s influence on Dorian can be seen when Dorian decides that it was best for him to remain young and handsome, no matter the costs that he was going to incur. In addition, he was the one who brought out Dorian’s first bad deed with Sibyl

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