Dont Judge A Book By Its Cover Essay

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“Don't judge a book by it's cover” is a very popular old saying that most forget to use and remember about when it comes to racism. If you are judging someone by the color of their skin, by the language they speak, where they come from, or how they identify themselves as a race, that is judging a book by it's cover. Here at North Star and in our community believe it or not there is racism weather we want to accept it or not. Most tend to use racism as a joke to be funny but, racism is never a joke and is never funny at any means, it brings them down and hurts them. Being racist tends to be calling other races inappropriate names, having inappropriate comments, and identifying them yourself as what you want them to be or by stereotypes.
Some people believe in the saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” I would like to beg to differ their though. Words do hurt, they may not hurt you physically, but they hurt you emotionally so bad that your chest hurts, your heart races, your fist and jaw clench up, and anger rushes up inside you. Their is a racist word for almost every race, some …show more content…

I should feel safe in my school and community but I don’t. Peace will come faster if we all step up and stop using racist names, racist comments, and racist stereotypes. Just remember, “Don't judge a book by it's cover. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it all.” Also even though “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” Is just saying it won't hurt psychically but it does hurt emotionally. So, if you see someone getting racist comments, don't stay quiet, speak up and just know they deal with that everyday. We all may be from different places in the world, different races, speak different languages, and different colors but we are alike in some

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