Donkey Case Study

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Donkeys are large, strong animals and it is normal for inexperienced handlers to lack confidence or even be fearful. A donkey’s behavior will be influenced by the ability, experience and confidence of its handler. A nervous handler will increase the nervousness of the donkey. When a donkey is labeled as "difficult, naughty or bad", the behavior of the handler changes in accordance with the label and the animal's behavior will reflect how it has been labeled. Anyone intending to handle a donkey should gain as much knowledge and experience as possible, prior to commencing any behavior training. Donkeys easily learn things that are closest to their natural behaviors. How donkeys are trained and handled will determine their behavior. An experienced trainer who communicates well with the donkey will help a donkey to overcome problems and learn more …show more content…

A nervous manager will increase the nervousness of the employee. When an employee is labeled as "difficult, naughty or bad", the behavior of the manager changes in accordance with the label and the employee's behavior will reflect how it has been labeled. These are large, strong and it is normal for inexperienced managers to lack confidence or even be fearful. Anyone intending to manage these employees should gain as much knowledge and experience as possible, prior to commencing any behavior training. These employees easily learn things that are closest to their natural behaviors. Activities, which are completely unnatural such as being driven, ridden, can take longer to learn because they are so far removed from the natural behaviors. How these people are trained and managed will determine their behavior. An experienced trainer who communicates well with the individuals will help an employee to overcome problems and learn more rapidly than another similar employee with an impatient or inexperienced

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