Donald J Trump Persuasive Essay

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Who would you like to see being the next leader of our country? Personally, Donald J. Trump would be the best fit for the leader of our country. He is an experienced businessman who is highly qualified for the leader of this country and the person who is in control of our country. Our country needs someone who is experienced in money to get us out of all the debt that we are in 22.5 trillion dollars.Our country need someone who can balance all of these things,and make the country safe, make it reasonable to go to the doctor, as well as give everyone that deserves that right to an education beyond high school receives one. Donald Trump is wanting to decrease the the amount of collage in order to make it easier to pay for colleges and debt ,he wants to make our country safer and clean up our cities also, he wants to have high quality affordable insurance, lastly but not least he doesn't support government funding for abortion. The well being of our country right now is awful Donald J. Trump can get us out of that.

Donald Trump has plans to decrease the amount of college in order to make it affordable for everyone. This need to be in play because many people can’t go to college without being buried in debt. He states on,”I want to make it easier to pay for college debt.” This needs to be in place because there would be more people …show more content…

Donald Trump is more qualified because of all the experience that he has in financial and real estate. According to,” Donald trump owns trump towers,casinos and investment in the gambling business. That was just to list a few there are obviously many many more.” Hillary Clinton is a very smart well trained women as well. She has been the first lady for eight years and she was that secretary of state. She has had a lot of experience in the government position. However, Donald J. Trump will be the best fit for are president of the United States of

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