Dominique Francon Analysis

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The daughter of a wealthy architect, Dominique Francon is a powerful woman who is convinced the world is full of rotten corruption and that all things good have no chance of survival. She believes she understands the world of the successful.She perceives that in order to gain power, one must change and conform themselves to society and in doing so will lose their pride and dignity in oneself. She hates how society destroys talent, goodness and excellence. Society slowly corrupts the work of excellence and changes good into evil. Dominique despises society because of the threat it holds against human perfection she so passionately believes in. She has a great admiration for all that is beautiful and strong, including the beauty in destruction. She firmly believes the world destroys all that is great and so she refuses to love anyone or anything in fear the world will ruin all that she loves. She surrounds herself by people she does not like, knowing she will be in no danger of getting hurt as she knows she will not be able to love them. Due to this, she refuses to compromise her values to what the world wants because she refuses for the world to taint her. She finds beauty in everything she sees, including destruction, and in order to avoid watching the world destroy all she loves, she surrounds herself with what she despises. Meeting Roark, she finds herself intrigued by the way he holds himself and how he never bends or folds to meet others expectations. Dominique finds herself drawn to him and, in an act of caring for a man with vision and character, she sets out to destroy him first as she fears the world will destroy his potential for greatness. Upon Dominique’s encounter with Roark, she instantly recognizes his potential... ... middle of paper ... ...ark cannot, then she has been in her belief that all is great will be harnesses and corrupted. For her, attacking Roark will answer her question of if it is safe to develop one’s power in a world filled with people who want to take advantage of it. If Roark is able to stay standing, despite having the worlds out to destroy him, then Dominique Francon believes she too will be able to survive through the cold and injustice society. She learns through Roark’s self-sufficiency to not let a flawed society hinder her life, nor harm her hope in her own ideals. She begins to stop caring what the world or anyone in it thinks. She lives for herself and no one else. She discovers that it is through loving and caring that one can find happiness, and that because it is her happiness, it can not be taken away from her. She learns to be the change she so wishes to see in society.

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